This project attempts to throw into critical relief the commodified nature of science, athletics and architecture, through the design of a research and production facility for
athletes in Dubai.

Natural athleticism, the fusion of pure body and mind, has subsided in the shadow of our innate competitiveness, increasing ingenuity, and desire for reward and recognition. Our traditional ideas of how we should control our bodies are evolving along with the promise of scientific research and technology. In addition, the enormous wealth and fame that
accompany athletic success are incredibly alluring in contemporary culture. Not only do gene doping, genetic engineering, athletic sponsorship and sports betting reinforce the commodification of athletes in contemporary culture, they also indicate the extreme risks that athletes will accept in order to win and set new world records. All of these factors make athletes the ideal candidates for modifications aimed at improving

Assuming that proven technology exists to engineer human beings, I propose an institution that combines training, augmentation surgery and genetic engineering to define the optimal physical traits for athletic performance. The nature of
this institution will be highly experimental, working collaboratively with athletes to continuously modify, improve and “perfect” bodies for specific sporting events, culminating in the production of new “superathletes” from the embryonic stage into adulthood. Athletes become objects to be bought, redesigned and sold.

This institution will encapsulate the incredible potential for advancing human physical ability through the merging of scientific innovation and anatomy at the frontiers of sporting performance.



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