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a skyscraper’s 100’000 gallon stabiliser

Architecture News - Jul 31, 2008 - 11:17   6236 views

you’re looking at the top of the south tower of one rincon hillin san fransisco, a building that boasts 60 floors, a total height of641ft and a spot at the top of a hill in one of the windiest and mostearthquake prone parts of north america. bearing in mind the skyscrapersits alone on the hill, without any surrounding protection from otherhigh-rises, it’s therefore surprising to discover that one face of thebuilding is curved, top to bottom, and as a result “like the wing of an airplane, it has lift”.obviously there’s a solution to what could have been a problem.see the rounded section that sits on the building? it isn’t full ofapartments. it’s an enormous storage tank that houses a tuned liquidmass damper, and it’s full of water - at maximum capacity,approximately 100´000 gallons of the stuff.