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California Buildings Go Green
Architecture News - Jul 24, 2008 - 12:00 8184 views
Leading the nation in environmental initiative once again, theCalifornia Building Standards Commission has unanimously approved thecountry’s first green building code for all new structures—from homesto businesses, schools to hospitals—built in California. “We havealready committed to making our state-owned buildings more green andenergy efficient. This statewide code will reduce greenhouse gasemissions, improve energy efficiency and conserve water in all newbuildings,” Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said in a statement.
As part of its goal to curb emissions by 2020, the new standard isvoluntary for now, but will become mandatory in 2010. This green codelooks to decrease each new project’s carbon footprint, reducing energyuse by 15 percent and landscape water use by 50 percent. It will alsomandate that more recycled materials be used during construction.“Momentum for green buildings has been growing for years,” says CharlesEley, executive director of the Collaborative for High PerformanceSchools, a nonprofit working to improve school facilities. “It is anideal time for California to step forward with the nation’s first stategreen building standards.”
LastWednesday, the governor was forced to meet with discontentedenvironmentalists to make last minute revisions to the code’s stance oncertain issues, which apparently were not as stringent as advocateswould have liked.
The original language set a lowbar for energy efficiency, so a section was added requiring a 15percent improvement in energy consumption over the existing Californiacode. “A ‘green’ building should show exemplary performance,” says NickZigelbaum, energy policy analyst with the Natural Resources DefenseCouncil.
Another concern was that the codewould send a confusing message to the cities and towns in Californiathat already enforce stricter standards. “The green building code is aminimum—communities can reach above and beyond if they choose,”Zigelbaum explains, adding that statutory clarification is needed.
Onthe issue of certified wood, the entire section of the code was revisedto give time for deliberation about lumber standards—environmentaladvocates endorse Forest Stewardship Council-certified wood only, whichthe building sector strongly contests. Along with other measures,environmentalists have pledged to continue fine-tuning the code to helpmeet California’s 30 percent reduction target by 2020.