Submitted by Jonathan Budd

Geiger Research Institute of Sustainable Building

Architecture News - Jul 23, 2008 - 17:54   6317 views

The Geiger Research Institute of SustainableBuilding is an international training and research institute devoted tofinding solutions to the world`s housing problems through sustainablebuilding. We believe the answer lies in education - helping others helpthemselves.

We are striving to improve the world by encouraging sustainable housingand sustainable living practices. Our mission is primarily educational- to spread awareness of sustainable and attainable solutions throughresearch and training.The projects at the Institute address affordability, sustainability,attainability and appropriateness for those who lack financial ormaterial resources.We believe that housing is a human right, as determined by the UnitedNations, and that affordable housing for all can only be obtained bysustainable solutions. The Institute works with individuals,organizations and communities who are most in need and who often do nothave access to appropriate education in sustainable living.

The Geiger Research Institute of Sustainable Building seeks to promote several concepts:
• Address the root cause of many economic problems such as poverty,affordable housing and development through education and selfsufficiency to alleviate world suffering;

• Focus on sustainable building techniques and projects with an emphasis on cost, availability and suitability of materials;

• Promote stewardship of the earth`s resources by providing educationalmaterials, workshops, training and certification programs insustainable building;

• Concentrate on sharing knowledge with populations in need of affordable housing on a world-wide basis

Founder and Director of the Geiger Research Institute of Sustainable Building:
Dr. Owen Geiger, Ph.D. in Social and Economic Development, isthe former Director of Builders Without Borders and current member ofthe BWB Steering Committee. He is an author and engineer specializingin sustainable building. He co-authored the Builders Without Borders Straw-Bale Construction Guides and contributed to Building Without Borders: Sustainable Construction for the Global Village.Dr. Geiger has consulted on numerous international housing projects,worked closely with Habitat for Humanity for seven years and mentoredhousing officials with the United Nations Institute of Training andResearch.

His background includes years of experience as a licensed contractorbuilding, training employees and volunteers, and overseeing dozens ofprojects.

Recently he has become a correspondent for The Last Straw Journal andan Expert Advisor for A new partnership with theUS Military Academy at West Point has the potential to spreadsustainable building to unprecedented levels.