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Millennium Park`s Lurie Garden Wins Top Honor
Architecture News - Jul 22, 2008 - 17:16 5465 views
The Lurie Garden, located in Chicago`s Millennium Park, has earnedthe 2008 top design award from the American Society of LandscapeArchitects {ASLA} - besting hundreds of entries from around the world. The ASLA Award of Excellence in General Design recognizesconstructed projects of landscape architecture or urban design. Judgesbase their decisions on the quality of design and execution; designcontext; environmental sensitivity and sustainability; and designvalue to the client and to other designers. The Lurie Garden exceededin all of these criteria. "The landscape architect has created an oasis in the center of thecity. It works on so many levels, no wonder people love it. The plantpalette is very rich and engaging. This is not our typical botanicgarden," said the awards jury which represents some of the world`sleading design experts. "It has raised the bar and is far and away themost outstanding example of work submitted to the awards program thisyear." Designed by Gustafson Guthrie Nichol Ltd, the 2.5-acre rooftopgarden was inspired by Carl Sandburg`s famous description of the "Cityof Big Shoulders." Gustafson et al. enclosed the garden on two sideswith a 15-foot high "shoulder" hedge. Two diagonal, hardwood walkwayscreate movement through the garden, giving the sturdy design a muchgentler feel. Those visiting should look for distinctive features that set thisgarden apart. The garden has two interior "Plates" that are plantedwith perennials and trees native to Chicago. Called the Dark Plate andLight Plate, they each have their own form but combine to resemble amuscular torso. In addition, The Seam is the boundary between the twoplates. It is composed of an Ipe boardwalk that "floats" over ashallow water feature; perfect for dipping feet into after a long dayat the office or touring around the city. To see more ASLA 2008 award winners, including high-resolutionphotos, visit{4A595E9A-CE27-4659-8805-29E55A22EEBC}&