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2nd International and 6th National Research and Innovation Festival on Urban Management

United Kingdom Architecture News - Sep 30, 2013 - 17:23   3070 views

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2nd International and 6th National Research and Innovation Festival on Urban Management (Tehran International Award)

"Urban Prosperity" is an evolving concept which is based on an integrated vision which takes urban productivity, quality of life, infrastructural development, equity and social inclusion, and good governance into account for the sake of collective well-being.

Competent urban governance, achieving goals inserted in the future outlook of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the horizon of the next two decades, appropriate exploitation from present valuable local, national, regional, and global opportunities and experiences, responding to dynamic and increasing expectations and needs of urban life, all need performing vast developing and applicative researches, utilization of achievements and their results and using new innovations and ideas in urban management.
Tehran Municipality -Urban Planning & Research Center (UPRC)- with the cooperation of The Middle East Regional Center of the Best Practices and Local Leadership Programme (MERC-BLP), municipalities of other metropolises of Iran and the world, international professional institutions and associations and scientific and research centers as well as scholars, professors, researchers, professionals, university students and citizens will hold “the 2nd International and 6th Research and Innovation Festival on Urban Management (Tehran International Award) ". Cash award and certificate will be presented to the winners during the festival ceremony.
Goals of the festival: Introducing applicative researches, scientific achievements and worlds best experiences; Providing the ground for identifying, interchanging, and promoting scientific methods of urban management and empowering managers and experts; Honoring creators of superior scientific, research and artistic works related to urban management.
Projects or practices that enter the competition for the second international and 6th National Research and Innovation Festival on Urban Management should meet the following eligibility criteria: Scientific works including research  projects, books, articles and theses should be related to one of 40 thematic fields of the festival; Projects  have been submitted in previous festivals, will not be accepted/included; All submissions and supporting materials received will not be returned to the submitters; All the accepted works (studies and research projects, books, papers, theses) will be inserted in the festival virtual exhibition.
Thematic Fields:
Urban Prosperity, integrated urban management, Urban Development Strategies, Urban Transportation Traffic Congestion, Urban Development, Urban Economy, Urban Finance, City and modern Technologies, Virtual City, Architecture and Urban planning,  Urban Design, Urban Landscape Planning and Design, Street Furniture and Urban Beautification, Art and City, Urban Sociology,  Society and Urban Culture, Public Participation and Local Democracy, City Councils and Municipalities, Local Government/ Local Authority, Quality of Life, Sustainable Urban Tourism, Sports and Recreational Activities in the City, Urban Ethics, Health and Sanitation in the City, Urban Safety and Security, Crisis Management,  Disaster Management, Environment and Sustainable Development, City and Sustainable Energy, Waste Management, Deteriorated Urban Fabric,  Informal Settlement (Slum, squatter,…), Cities and Globalization, City Brand, International Relations and Urban Diplomacy, Future Studies and City, City and Citizens Rights, Urban Planning, Islamic Cities, Justice in city and social inclusiveness

Important Dates:  
Deadline for submission: 22 Oct. 2013
Announcing the results to attendants: 16 Nov. 2013
Holding the festival: 14 Dec. 2013

Submission Guidelines: 
Submissions shall be sent as an electronic file to the festival secretariat online at or by mail at No. 32, Shahid Akbari st. Pol-e-Roomi, Shariati st ,Tehran, IRAN 
For further information, please contact the festival Secretariat.  Tel.: (+9821)22392080-3

For more information,please visit
