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Getting L.A. to Zero Competition

United Kingdom Architecture News - Jan 03, 2014 - 08:47   2817 views

Getting L.A. to Zero Competition
“Imagine a building designed and constructed to function as elegantly and efficiently as a flower: a building informed by its bioregion’s characteristics, and that generates all of its own energy with renewable resources, captures and treats all of its water, and operates efficiently and for maximum beauty.”
“Imagine a city block or a college campus sharing resources from building to building, growing food, and functioning without a dependency on fossil fuel-based transportation.“


Using one of the provided innovation categories, students are invited to develop a presentation poster using compelling visualizations to describe how their projects can achieve and transcend the Living Building Challenge.

The poster should include graphics, text and explanatory information such that the topic is self-evident without the student’s verbal assistance. The poster title, along with the category, student name(s), degree program, and advisor/professor name should appear on the upper section of the board. A text description of the project no longer than 300 words should also be included on the poster.

Registration Closes:  31 Jan 2014, 5:00PM (PST)
Poster Submissions Due:  5 May 2014, 5:00PM (PST)
Finalists Notified: 12 May 2014
Final Presentations: 15 May 2014, 5:00PM (PST) in Downtown Los Angeles

Instructions for Submitting Posters:
1. All materials should be submitted via email to: [email protected]
2. Posters should be 30” x 40” in a portrait orientation submitted as a PDF file less than 10mb
3. You should receive a confirmation email following your submittal
4. You cannot edit your submission once submitted

Accepted Posters:
Authors and accepted posters will be notified by 12 May 2014. Accepted posters will be mounted on 30” x 40” foam core boards, vertically formatted. The student will have the opportunity to present his/her poster and answer questions from a distinguished panel of jurors on 15 May 2014 at Gensler Los Angeles, 500 S. Figueroa St. Los Angeles, CA 90071 from 6pm to 8pm.

Contestants must be enrolled at a college or university in all of Southern California region and be able to attend the final presentations in Downtown Los Angeles on 15 May 2014.  The competition is not limited to Architecture but studies in agriculture, business administration, real estate development, urban planning, building science, material science, engineering, product design, public policy,  historic preservation, environmental studies and more.

Teams are limited to (5) students and (1) advisor.


Design Innovation  Category 1

Submissions must meet the requirements of all (7) Petals and applicable Imperatives outlined in the Living Building Challenge to create an architectural proposition within the boundaries established in the site area map. A holistic and innovative approach to net-zero design that explores a paradigm shift within one of the typologies listed below. Teams must identify the one typology that aligns with the project to determine which Imperatives apply:

Renovation: This typology is for any project that does not form the substantial portion of a complete building reconstruction. Sample projects include single-floor tenant improvements, residential kitchen remodels or historic rehabilitations of a portion of a building.
Landscape or Infrastructure (non-conditioned development): This typology is for any project that does not include a physical structure as part of its primary program, although open-air ‘park-like’ structures, restrooms, amphitheatres and the like do fall into this category. Projects may be as diverse as roads, bridges, plazas, sports facilities or trails.
Building: This typology is for any project that encompasses the construction of a roofed and walled structure created for permanent use – either new or existing.
Neighborhood: This typology is for any project that contains multiple buildings in a continuous campus, neighborhood, district or village. Sample projects include university, college or corporate campuses; residential streets; business or industrial districts; or small villages and towns.

Every project must select a Living Transect category from the following options:
L4. General Urban Zone: This is comprised of light- to medium-density mixed-use development found in larger villages, small towns or at the edge of larger cities. (FAR of 0.5 – 1.49)
L5. Urban Center Zone: This is comprised of a medium- to high-density mixed-use development found in small to mid-sized cities or in the first ‘ring’ of a larger city. (FAR of 1.5 – 2.99)
L6. Urban Core Zone: This is comprised of high-to very high-density mixed use development found in large cities and metropolises. (FAR. ≥ 3.0)

Other requirements for this category include:

  • Mandatory public transit tie-in.
  • Link neighborhoods together using new or existing transportation systems (address car problem).
  • Link economic centers and create a destination for future economic growth.
  • Perform a climate and place analysis, site specific.
  • Address natural resource availability in Southern California.


Product Innovation  Category 2

This category encourages investigation into the design of a specific technology system, component or product. This is intended to recognize those that develop and leverage new and emerging technology in the built environment. Submissions must address (1) of the following Living Building Challenge Petals at a minimum:

Water: Creating water independent sites, buildings and communities.
Energy: Relying only on current solar income.
Materials: Endorsing products and processes that are safe for all species through time.


Strategy Innovation  Category 3

Examine the design process to create new business models, programs and ways to drive successful development projects as they strive for Living Building Challenge Certification. This category also recognizes innovation in research, methodology or building code analysis. Furthermore, programs that drive ideas forward, such as collaborations, partnerships, and other strategic alliances that encourage sustainable business development. Submissions must address (1) of the following Living Building Challenge Petals at a minimum:

Water: Creating water independent sites, buildings and communities.
Energy: Relying only on current solar income.
Materials: Endorsing products and processes that are safe for all species through time.

The winning team in each Category will receive $1,000.  In addition, each winning team will receive coverage in the Trim Tab publication, recognition at the annual unConference and the quarterly newsletter as part of the prize.

The Innovation Awards are judged by an esteemed panel of key professionals from top architectural, engineering, institutional, analysts and select members of the collaborative team. The judges identities are held in confidence until the awards are presented to avoid any potential influence that may occur prior to the selection of the winners. Criteria is as follows:
Innovative/Creative: 30%
Adhering to LBC Imperatives: 30%
Viability/Practicality of Concept: 30%
Collaboration: 10%

Matthew Johnston at [email protected]

For more information,please visit the website

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