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Call for submissions: IUD Ideas Competition – Trencín City On The River

United Kingdom Architecture News - Feb 09, 2014 - 15:40   4141 views

Call for submissions: IUD Ideas Competition – Trencín City On The River

Trencín – City on the River is announced by the City of Trencín as open anonymous international urban design ideas competition seeking the best comprehensive urbanistic proposals for connecting the city centre with both waterfronts of the River Váh. We expect bold and fresh proposals from teams composed of professionals from architecture, urban planning, landscape design and other related fields, which will form the basis for development of a new Central Zone Masterplan for the city.

The city of Trencín (57,000 inhabitants) is a compact historic city on the River Váh, forming the administrative centre of Trencín Region and a natural landmark within the wider area. Strategically, the city is located on the border with the Czech Republic, within an hours’ drive from the capital city of Bratislava. Trencín has a unique panorama formed by the castle fortress on top of a rock and the city has an interesting history and pleasant atmosphere. Currently, Trencín is facing changes connected with the relocation of the railway track directly within the city centre as part of the modernisation of the European railway corridor, with planned completion in 2016. Through the competition, the City of Trencín seeks fresh and innovative urbanistic solutions that will overcome transportation barriers and connect the historic city centre with the riverfront, enhancing the city’s expression and thus encourage its growth. The winning proposals will form the base for a new Central City Zone Masterplan that the City intends to develop following the results of the competition.



The international jury has 11 members and 2 alternates. The subsidiary bodies of the jury are the jury experts, the competition secretary, the competition verifier and the competition curator. The jury and its subsidiary bodies will work as following :



Full members of the jury

Independent :

Uli Hellweg (International Building Exhibition IBA Hamburg, Germany)
Prof.Robert Schnüll (Institut für Verkehrswirtschaft, Straßenwesen und Städtebau / Institute for Transport, Economics, Roadways and Town and City Planning, Hannover University; Associate of Schnüll, Haller und Partner – Hannover, Germany)
Prof.Thomas R. Matta (Profesor emeritus, University of Applied Sciences, HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil, Switzerland)
Drahan Petrovic (Institute of Urban Development (IUR), Vancouver-Canada /Bratislava-Slovakia)
Juraj Šujan (Slovenská komora architektov / Slovak Chamber of Architects, Bratislava)
Peter Gero (Development Director for the Central Districts of the city of Hamburg, a.D., Germany, Expert Guarantor of the project Trencín in YOU, Trencín, Slovakia)
Martina Veselá (Národní památkový ústav Telc / National Heritage Institute Telc, Czech Republic)
Daniela Gazová (SPECTRA Centre for EU Excellence by the Slovak Univeristy of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia)
Pavol Kajánek (Director of Research and Development, Transport Research Institute, Zilina, Slovakia)
Tomáš Hanácek (PhD student, Faculty of Architecture STU Bratislava. Member of the project team „Trencín is You“)
Representing the competition organizer :
Martin Bedatš (City of Trencín, Chief Architect)

Alternate jury members 
in the following order:

1. Martin Baloga (ZUUPS – Zdruzenie urbanistov a územných plánovacov Slovenska / Association of Urbanists and Urban Planners of Slovakia), independent
2. Eva Balašová (SB Partners, professional competence of urbanism and masterplanning, Bratislava, Slovakia), independent



Only those competitors who meet the participation criteria according to the competition conditions and have not been disqualified by the jury are entitled to be awarded or receive prizes. The maximum possible amount of monies designated for awarding the competition proposals is :


First Prize
Second Prize
Third Prize


€ 30,000
€ 20,000
€ 10,000

In addition to the above listed prizes and awards, the jury may also award two special awards with prizes of up to € 5000 per proposal. The total amount of all prizes and awards is set at a maximum of € 70,000 (seventy thousand euros).

There are no reimbursements for submission of the competition proposals. The competitor bears all costs associated with development of the proposal and its delivery to the organizer.

The jury determines the ranking of the prizes. The jury reserves the right to adjust the number and amount of prizes and awards, or not to award a prize only upon unanimous decision of the jury. In such case the jury must justify its decision in the Competition Procurement Report.

The decision of the jury under this point may not exceed the total amount of all prizes and awards set at a maximum of € 70,000 (seventy thousand euros).

Rewards will be paid by the organizer sixty days after the announcement of the competition results pursuant to a signed Licence Agreement as specified in appendix(18) Licence Agreement. If the author of the award-winning proposal for some reason refuses to sign the Licence Agreement, he loses the entitlement to payment of remuneration pursuant to point VII.5. of the Competiton conditions.

Note : The full text of the Competition conditions is here.





4 March 2014 / 16:30 CET

Closing date for registration and downloading of the competition documentation

After this time no further registration into the competition or downloading/collection of the competition documentation will be possible.




until 07 March 2014 / 16:30 CET

Final date for submission of questions

By 14 March 2014 / 16:30 CET

Publishing of answers to questions

Until 24 April 2014 / 16:30 CET


05 - 06 May 2014

Jury experts meeting

14 - 15 May 2014

Evaluation meeting of the competition jury

By 19 May 2014


September 2014

Public exhibition of the winning proposals


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