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Call for submissions:Architectures for Emergencies II

United Kingdom Architecture News - Feb 10, 2014 - 12:24   2261 views

Call for submissions:Architectures for Emergencies II

Boundaries introduces a call for papers on the following subject:

Architectures for Emergencies II

Boundaries wish to deepen discussions and researches around the topic of architecture in emergencies situations, on which we started working with Boundaries’ issue n. 2.

Even if they are considered as special events – something rarely happening – emergencies are, in many cases, an everyday reality around the globe : from natural to man-made disasters, architecture must face a broad variety of emergency circumstances. Can we speak about “architecture” at a given historical moment or in certain geographic areas? Which is the role and the status of architecture during the disaster – shelter, appropriation for other uses –, and after the emergency – in the reconstruction of the city or a part of it, in the reorganization of the community for the future in the short and long term? How do architects react to situations like: destruction – physical and/or of the memory –, presence of ruins, restoration and reconstruction, and how does all that interacts with human perception of the environment?

Contributions on any aspect of these topics, on which we wish to open a wide interdisciplinary debate, are encouraged. All kinds of approaches to this topic are welcomed, and papers can be case studies oriented, or methodological and/or theoretical in focus.

The deadline for submission is March 21, 2014.
Contributors are invited to submit a title, an abstract (from 350 to 500 words), three images and a short biography stating their affiliation and professional interests (maximum 100 words).
Official language for paper presentation is English. The style, grammar and phrasing should be edited by a person with an excellent command of English and a good understanding of architectural terminology. All submission of abstracts should be sent by email to [email protected] (up to 15 Mb) before March 21, 2014.
The papers will be selected by the editorial board and subjected to evaluation with the blind peer review system. The authors will be notified of the result the March 31, 2014.
Articles should be sent to the editorial board, in their definitive form and with illustrations (free from reproduction rights), before April 30, 2014.
Final articles length will be between 700 and 1300 words, notes and bibliography included. Contributions must be original and should not have been previously published, even in part. All articles must be illustrated (at least ten images, drawings, sketches, renders or other).

For further information and guidelines, see : or contact us at [email protected]


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