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Competition:Queensway Connection: Elevating the Public Realm

United Kingdom Architecture News - Nov 25, 2013 - 11:23   2366 views

Competition:Queensway Connection: Elevating the Public Realm

Queensway Connection: Elevating the Public Realm will support Friends of the Queensway and Trust for Public Land in their efforts to transform an abandoned rail right-of-way into a greenway that serves diverse neighborhoods in central and southern Queens. This conversion shares many similarities to the Bloomingdale trail conversion in Chicago, whose surrounding urban context is a significantly lower density than that of the High Line. ENYA is seeking to supplement the ongoing feasibility study for the railway’s transformation by envisioning ways the future park can be activated beyond a means of recreation and leisure. This competition emphasizes the importance of the park’s access points and questions whether they can be programmed and designed so that they extend the street activity onto the railway.

ENYA believes that the key to making the Queensway a success is to engage the local community and to empower them to take ownership of the disused infrastructure. If nearby community groups, businesses and residents were allowed to “adopt” portions of the railway, the result would be a park whose usefulness was truly defined by the will of the community. Many portions of the QueensWay are already primed for such a transformation, however there also are locations which aren’t. The southern end of the railway will be most difficult to engage with the community because it is a narrow elevated viaduct isolated from the neighborhood. However, this portion is the most important to activate because it is very well connected to the City’s transportation network. ENYA is looking for ideas in how the future vertical connection to the viaduct can overcome the specific challenges of this site and contribute towards the activation of the overall QueensWay.

Competition:Queensway Connection: Elevating the Public Realm


Friends of the Queensway is a grassroots organization committed to transforming this abandoned railway into a greenway. They are a paragon of community activism and advance their cause through a variety of strategies: they host meet and greets, organize site clean up days and walking tours. They also strategically harness the power of elected officials, governmental organizations and sympathetic non profits. Although primarily made up of Queens residents who live near the railway, they are a diverse group and represent a variety of ages, professions, neighborhoods and ethnicities.

The Trust for Public Land is a national non-profit that conserves land for the public to enjoy. It “is the go-to organization for communities wanting to protect special places and create close-to home-parks in and near cities.” Their “goal is to put a park or playground within walking distance of every American.” This organization has greatly facilitated raising awareness to this cause and securing the government funding (issued by New York State) to conduct the feasibility study which is currently underway.

Most importantly TPL seeks ways in which the creation of these parks can be economically self sustainable and not be an additional burden for the local government. One of the main motivators for ENYA’s interest in this project is to facilitate this sustainability and speculate on potential overlaps between the park and the urban environment.


August 22, 2013
Registration Opens
Competition Launch Party
Center For Architecture, 536 Laguardia Place
6:00 – 8:00pm

January 6, 2014
Submissions Due

March 2014
Winners Announced

July 2014
Exhibition Opening
Winning and exemplary entries on display until October 2014



  • ENYA PRIZE- $5,000*
  • 2ND PRIZE- $2,500
  • 3RD PRIZE- $1,000
  • STUDENT PRIZE- $1,000

In addition to the 4 prizes outlined above, the jury will also award several honorable mention distinctions, and select a number of submissions for display in The Harlem Edge Exhibition, which will be shown at the Center for Architecture in New York City in July 2014. Further, all entries will be displayed via a virtual gallery on The QueensWay competition will culminate with the publication of selected entries in a catalog, distributed internationally by the American Institute of Architects New York Chapter.

*The ENYA Prize winner will also be invited to participate as a jury member for the 6th biennial ENYA ideas competition, launching in 2016.

For detailed information,please visit

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