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Media ecology and artistic cultures - Call for applications: PhD at CityU

United Kingdom Architecture News - Nov 22, 2013 - 18:37   2539 views

Media ecology and artistic cultures - Call for applications: PhD at CityU

Call for applications - Doctor of Philosophy

School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong


The School of Creative Media of the City University of Hong Kong is now accepting admissions for the Doctor of Philosophy in Creative Media. Deadline for all uploaded documents December 4th 2013. Applicants are strongly advised to submit draft applications as soon as possible so they can get feedback before final submission.

School of Creative Media (SCM), founded in 1998, is Hong Kong's first institution committed to research across art, computing, technology, animation, music, sociology, and engineering.

Candidates will have advanced knowledge of media art, art history, arts institutions, and curating, or relevant fields of inquiry. They are required to hold a minimum four-year Bachelor's degree with Honours, and a research Master's qualification in a relevant discipline. Candidates should apply with a research project relevant to SCM's research foci and PhD supervisory expertise. Given the very nature of creative media and media art, interdisciplinary projects as well as those with an element of practice-based research are encouraged. Numerous scholarships covering the cost of PhD studies are available at the governmental level as well as at the level of the City University of Hong Kong and are awarded after assessment of the academic merits and artistic potential of the candidates.

Please visit the link below to see more about the wide range of subjects covered by our full team of PhD supervisors. This announcement highlights the research expertise of one of SCM's PhD supervisors. 

Dr. Damien Charrieras

Dr. Charrieras is interested in critical new media studies, cultural practices related to new media arts, electronic music, video game production milieus; new technologies and artistic/cultural work, spaces and places of cultural work. In the past, Charrieras has been working on the practices and the trajectories of new media artists in Montreal and their relationships to technologies, places of cultural work and industries. He has been also interested in Montreal based video game industries and their working practices. Charrieras has been studying the video game production technologies (video game engines), the new media art community of New York and tools used in electronic music production.

Areas of supervision
Critical approaches in the study of media and new technologies: new materialism, media ecology, media archeology
New media art practices (creative tools)
Practices and technologies used in several kin of technocreative production (Video games; electronic music; noise music; new media art as form of minor knowledge, hacking)
Cultural/creative industries and underground artistic cultures; Spaces and places of cultural/creative work

For details on other research fields:

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