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Zenith Strasbourg / Massimiliano Fuksas

Italy Architecture News - Jun 24, 2008 - 17:39   6596 views

By its playful form and character, the Zenith music hall contributes tothe great Varietee Theaters which were built since the Zenith buildingin Paris was erected in 1984. The new Zenith building is an importantproject for the exhibition area in Strasbourg. It will be the newattraction which will give impulses to the future development of thecity’s infrastructure.
The concept of the design is based on a modular and a well balancedorganization of the different elements: good views for all spectators,best acoustics and an optimized cost management already addressedduring the concept phase of the design. The building is to beunderstood as a single, unifying and autonomous sculpture. By layeringand rotating the ellipsoid metal façade structure, the design receivesa very dynamic character. This is underlined with the translucenttextile membrane, which covers the steel-frame and creates magnificentlight effects. These orange membranes also cover the volume of themusic hall itself. This is the heart of the building: a totallyenclosed and protected space, which creates a special theatreatmosphere. Projections on the outer skin create playful effects andconvert the façade into a huge billboard. The inner experience istransmitted to the outside thought out the transparent skin: the wholebuilding becomes a ‘light sculpture’.