Submitted by Berrin Chatzi Chousein
University Competition- World SB14 Barcelona
Turkey Architecture News - Mar 11, 2014 - 20:24 4396 views
International Universities Competition “Switch On. Powering Transformation”
The World Sustainable Building 2014 Conference hosts the International Universities Competition “Switch On. Powering Transformation”, which aims to include multidisciplinary work teams, composed by university students from fields related to architecture and urban planning, the environment and sustainability, coordinated by university professors.
Submissions will be accepted until the 30th July 2014, while registrations to present proposals that reflect the topics of the Conference and answer the needs of our environment with a sustainable approach will be open until the 20th July 2014. Under a free subject, each project must contribute to the challenges that global change sets before us.
The 3 awarded projects will be invited to present their proposals during the Conference, taking active part in the area “A Global Vision” and supporting the creation of the “World Sustainable Building 2014 Conference” Roadmap. Furthermore, the 15 projects awarded honorable mentions will be exhibited during the Conference.
The “World Sustainable Building 2014, Barcelona Conference” is the main meeting about sustainable buildings worldwide. It gathers for the first time the most important and influential international institutions on the subject.
The Conference is organized by Green Building Council España (GBCe) with the implication of: CIB, iiSBE, UNEP-SBCI, FIDIC and WGBC. The final goal is to launch an action plan to allow giving a quick and effective answer to the global, social and environmental challenges of the building sector before 2050.
World population will experience a remarkable growth during the next decade, then it will stabilise at approximately 10.000 million people. Moreover, population will be concentrated in cities – more than a half of the population is already urban –and this population growth will also occur within the urban environment.
The production and consumption model, based on an industrial system, is expanding like a global model with the promise of a continuous improvement of people’s quality of life –progress– and it also deeply transforms society and generates environmental damages that seem to be alarming today, in the local scale, but also through its influence on general systems that, as climate or biodiversity, are life support for both our societies and our lives.
This double challenge has a special meaning in building and architecture. On one hand, to meet the demands of habitability from an increasing population and their quality of life. On the other hand, the limits –usually already exceeded– related to our environmental conscience, which provides resources to produce and maintain the habitability that our society requires.
For more information,please visit website
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