Submitted by Berrin Chatzi Chousein

Arena do Morro Opens Next Week

Turkey Architecture News - Apr 05, 2014 - 17:20   9223 views

Arena do Morro Opens Next Week

On April 9, the Arena do Morro gymnasium will open for the Dinarte Mariz school and the Mãe Luiza community. This simple and open structure is the first realised project within the wider urban proposal “A vision for Mãe Luiza”, which Herzog & de Meuron developed with the Centro Sócio Pastoral Nossa Senhora de Conceição in 2009. Built locally with available materials and construction methods, the gymnasium responds to the local conditions. Its identity and character are formed by the unique natural setting and the creativity of Mãe Luiza’s strong community. It will provide upgraded sports facilities for the students and will become a gathering space for the neighbourhood.

Arena do Morro Opens Next Week

> via Herzog & De Meuron