Submitted by Berrin Chatzi Chousein

Call for Submissions:NS Symposium

Turkey Architecture News - Mar 28, 2014 - 10:50   3513 views

Call for Submissions:NS Symposium



Neighbourhood Spaces is excited to announce a call for submissions of papers, and panel topics for the upcoming Neighbourhood Spaces Symposium. 

The Symposium will take place Nov 14, 15,16  of 2014, in Windsor, ON, Canada. In keeping with the spirit of the program this symposium aims to include community and collaborative partners in the discussion of socially engaged and community arts practice. 

List of Potential Topics:
All submissions will be considered, this list is merely a guideline.

-The Ethics of Social and Community Practice
-The Ethics of Engagement (race, gender, economics)
-Navigating Communities
-The co-creative relationship, (Authorship, compromise, relationship building)
-Measuring the impact of Social and Community Practice (expectations, goals)
-Residencies as curatorial practice (How does this model differ from other forms of public art?)
-Scaling projects to communities
-Drawing on other disciplines? How do socially engaged and community artists adopt or adapt? (Ethnography, Sociology, Research, Public Health, Social Work, Business)

All selected panelists/contributors will be paid Carfac presentation fees ($275CAD).

Submission Guidelines:
 Submissions will only be accepted via online form at
Full submission guidelines are available online. 

-A short description of your proposed presentation must be submitted via the online form.
-Please note that presentations are not to exceed 60 minutes. 

-Abstracts will be considered by the selection committee, the committee may ask for the full text before reaching a decision. 
-All selected papers will be published online through Neighbourhood Spaces
-All selected papers are due September 10, 2014

-If your proposed contribution falls outside of the guidelines for papers, and presentations please submit a brief (300 word max) description. 
-Anyone interested in submitting a proposal is encouraged to contact Program Coordinator, Nadja Pelkey in advance of submitting. 

 The online submission form is available here. If you are unable to complete an online form please contact the Program Coordinator to make alternate arrangements.

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