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Student Mobility for Traineeships by PPWSZ

United Kingdom Architecture News - Mar 23, 2014 - 14:26   2448 views

Student Mobility for Traineeships by PPWSZ

Student mobility for traineeships action enables students at higher education institutions to spend a traineeship period in an enterprise or organisation in one of Programme Countries (i.e. Member States of the European Union, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey). Traineeships abroad at a workplace are supported during short cycle, first, second, third cycle studies.


What are the aims of student mobility for traineeships?

-support learners in the acquisition of competences (knowledge, skills and attitudes) with a view to improving their personal development and employability in the European labour market;

-support the professional development of those who work in education, training and youth with a view to innovating and improving the quality of teaching, training and youth work across Europe;

-enhance notably the participants' foreign languages competence

-raise participants' awareness and understanding of other cultures and countries, offering them the opportunity to build networks of international contacts, to actively participate in society and develop a sense of European citizenship and identity;

-increase the capacities, attractiveness and international dimension of organisations active in the education, training and youth fields so that they are able to offer activities and programmes that better respond to the needs of individuals, within and outside Europe;

-reinforce synergies and transitions between formal, non-formal education, vocational training, employment and entrepreneurship;

-ensure a better recognition of competences gained through the learning periods abroad.


What are the conditions?

Students must be registered in a higher education institution and enrolled in studies leading to a recognised degree or other recognised tertiary level qualification (up to and including the level of doctorate). Erasmus students are selected by their sending higher education institution in a fair and transparent way.


Where do traineeships take place?

The receiving organisation can be: a higher education institution awarded with an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education or any public or private organisation active in the labour market or in the fields of education, training and youth (a public or private, a small, medium or large enterprise, a public body at local, regional or national level, a social partner or other representative of working life, including chambers of commerce, craft/professional associations and trade unions; research institute, foundation, school/institute/educational centre at any level, non-profit organisation, association, NGO,  body providing career guidance, professional counselling and information services). Ineligible are EU institutions and other EU bodies including specialised agencies, organisations managing EU programmes such as national agencies (in order to avoid possible conflict of interests and / or double funding). Students must carry out their mobility activity in a Programme Country different from the country of the sending organisation and country of residence.


What arrangements are made for the students?

Prior to the departure the Erasmus+ student is provided with:

  • A grant agreement covering the mobility period and signed between the student and his or her sending higher education institution;
  • A “Training Agreement” regarding the specific programme for the traineeship, approved by the student, the sending institution and the enterprise;
  • The “Erasmus Student Charter” setting out the student’s rights and obligations with respect to his/her period of training/work experience abroad


At the end of the period abroad:

  • For a traineeship which is an integral part of the curriculum, the sending institution must give full academic recognition for the period spent abroad, by using ECTS credits or an equivalent system. Recognition shall be based on the Training Agreement approved by all parties before the period of mobility starts;
  • In the particular case of a traineeship that is not part of the curriculum of the student, the sending institution shall provide recognition at least by recording this period in the Diploma Supplement or, in the case of recent graduates, by providing a traineeship certificate.

What financial support is provided?

Students will be awarded an Erasmus EU grant to help cover the travel and subsistence costs incurred in connection with their traineeship abroad. The payment of any national grant or loan to outgoing students should be maintained during the traineeship abroad.


  • Duration of the traineeship: from 3 to 3,5 months between 1 June 2014 and 25 September 2014
  • A Letter of Intent to be signed by the receiving enterprise/organisation (see attachment)
  • Recruitment for the traineeship will be carried out by the sending university to meet specific requirements of the receiving enterprise/organisation laid down in the Letter of Intent
  • Student/s receive an Erasmus EU grant paid by the home university; the amount of grant depends on the host country
  • The receiving enterprise/organisation may give additional financial contribution or a contribution in kind to the student/s
  • The receiving enterprise/organisation is requested to provide assistance in finding accommodation
  • The student is required to have proper health, accident and third-party liability insurance purchased prior to the departure
  • The student is to carry out assigned tasks in the regular working hours in the receiving enterprise/organisation


Contact information


Erasmus Office

[email protected]


For Practice Confirmation FORM

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