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Buildings That Can Breathe

Architecture News - Aug 19, 2008 - 16:25   10146 views

A green designer says we need to save energy by making our architecture more efficient.Architect William McDonoughdraws his green-building techniques from the world around him. Beforeattending architecture school at Yale, he worked on a redevelopmentproject in Jordan and observed the clever way the Bedouins` tentsutilized natural materials to protect them from the elements. His mostambitious project, a redevelopment of the Ford Motors complex inDearborn, Mich., incorporates a "living roof" that features nearly 11acres of vegetation to purify storm water and provide natural airconditioning. NEWSWEEK`s Fareed Zakaria spoke to him about energyefficiency in architecture, the future of environmental design and thepossibility of eliminating all industrial waste from the planet.Excerpts