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Should I try to tackle sexism?
Architecture News - Sep 08, 2008 - 12:50 3829 views
In a heated site meeting, the developer made a sexist remark about the project architect. Should I bite my tongue or give him hell?
My first realisation of a gender prejudice within architectural practice was on entering the lecture hall where first-year students were gathering for their introductory session.
I found myself staring at 70 male students. For five years, I was the only woman on the course and did not receive a single hour of teaching from a female. Nor was there a single book about women architects, clients or builders, nor one written by a woman. My entire education was delivered from a male perspective. Other privileges included attendance as a student representative of an RIBA conference. I recall 300 men in dinner jackets and five women in low-cut dresses; a speech full of innuendos; unravelling bow ties and lecherous winks.
No such subtleties on building sites. Just walls plastered with naked women. Also site agents blowing hot and cold, buying white roses for the site meeting but threatening when challenged.
And the direct humiliations: being photographed from behind by my own colleague in front of the site agent as I bent down to chalk the condemned slabs of terrazzo; being put in an isolated room at a firm of architectural technicians who did not know how to treat me.