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Design September

Architecture News - Sep 01, 2008 - 16:07   5457 views

Launched in 2006 within the framework of the Fashionand Design year, the Design September festival gathers around fiftyevents related to design. Design of furniture, lightings and objects,also industrial, graphic, food and landscape design: the spectrum ofthe applications of this industrial discipline is vast. And reaches alarge audience.

A crowd ofassociations, institutions and other independent organizations agreedto propose, between September 7th and 30th 2008, a program of a greatdiversity: exhibitions, openings, conferences, film projections,debates, designers workshops visits, flea market, urban circuits, pechakucha...

This diversitytestifies of the creative dynamism of a city unfortunately deprived ofa museum entirely devoted to design. However, like the majority ofcities {Paris, London, Milan, Amsterdam, Berlin, Tokyo, Singapore},Brussels also vibrates during a month to the rhythm of design.Federator, this annual event enhances the creation and the initiativeslaunched by the design lovers in Brussels. Who can thus finally claimitself capital of design.