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When appropriate design meets sustainable livelihoods

Architecture News - Aug 27, 2008 - 17:07   5066 views

In many parts of rural South Asia young women are often left with little option in gaining an income. Unfortunately thousands, some younger than 12, are being trafficked and lost into prostitution every year.

In July I was in Bangkok to meet with some of our Burma reconstruction teams and happened to connect with Eve Blossom. Eve is the founder of Lulan Artisans, locally driven social venture that creates an alliance between textile designers and artisans to produce hand-woven fabrics through-out South Asia. They currently support over 650 weavers, spinners, dyers and finishers using a holistic approach to produce fabrics that are better for the environment.

By providing economic opportunity and stability this project helps preserve the art of hand-weaving in Asia while creating environmentally sustainable fabrics. Collections include fabric-by-the-yard, as well as home and fashion accessories are already marketed through select retailers and outlets. Now they are ready to expand, hire thousands of weavers and build innovative off-the-grid weaving centers whose profits will support these artisans and provide health care and schooling for their children. Fortunately the American Express Members Project is offering funding to allow them to scale and they are within striking distance of the next round.