Submitted by Nora Vasconcelos

The architecture of light and shadows

Mexico Architecture News - Nov 08, 2018 - 19:16   14708 views

The architecture of light and shadows

This corporate project designed by Eskema Arquitectos is located in one of the most avant-garde buildings in the west part of Mexico City. The client,  Macquarie required an interior design that strongly expressed the prestige of the brand but at the same time that it had a certain air of informality.

The architecture of light and shadows

Another requirement was that the design of these offices should differentiate from the rest of the offices that Macquarie has around the world, so it could express that they were located in Mexico. These parameters were fundamental for the choice of the color palette, the type of furniture and the layout of the office spaces.

The architecture of light and shadows

Although the gray color predominates throughout the whole office, it is not dark as the design integrates natural light in most of the place, this coupled with some very vibrant touches of color. 

The architecture of light and shadows

Different materials are also combined such as a carpet with a special design and different shades of color that creates the sense of movement in the different spaces of the offices. Vinyl tiles were added to the cafeteria and reception areas.

The architecture of light and shadows

The interior design also contemplates that three different business areas coexist in a rest area that is not a conventional and boring cafeteria, but a breakout space that creates an ambience where people can clear their minds..

The architecture of light and shadows

Other important spaces in this project are the meeting rooms. The configuration of these spaces combine different meeting sizes where privacy is very important, so special care was taken in the acoustic insulation of the walls .

The architecture of light and shadows

All imgaes © Juan Carlos Jimenez + Jair Navarrete / courtesy of Eskema Arquitectos

> via Eskema Arquitectos