Submitted by ali khiabanian

The publication of the book "An Introduction to Thoughts in the History of Gardening of the World"

Iran Architecture News - Jun 25, 2018 - 05:26   15327 views

The publication of the book

"An Introduction to Thoughts in the History of Gardening of the World"


Dr. Mehdi Haghighat Bin (faculty member of Tarbiat Modares University), Shina S. Berenji, Sanaz Alidoust Masouleh, Neda Farsi Astaneh, Maedeh Yazdani Rostam, Mitra Karimi

Publisher: Mehre Norouz

language: Farsi

Year of Publication: 2018

Circulation: 1200

No. of Pages: 257

Part of Preface of the Book:

The importance of study of history in innovation and advancement and the interest of landscape architecture students in the history of gardening are the most important reasons for compilation of this book. The book tries to look carefully at intellectual proceedings and evolutions affecting every historical period and specify its effect on landscaping and gardening of that period.

Landscape and landscape making are the result of teamwork and creativity of architects and landscape architects and also reflect the intellectual changes, thoughts and cultural beliefs of the era. Therefore, recognition of theoretical foundations of different landscaping styles in different historical eras is very important.

The authors’ view is not critically and tries to introduce and explain formation of different patterns and styles of landscaping at different times. The book consists of five chapters separated based on historical and intellectual periods in the West.  Each chapter deals with the intellectual proceedings affecting formation of art and architecture of the era and explains its effect in landscaping.

In this book, the relation between human and nature is explained in different periods. Worldview of human and their view of the universe play a decisive role in the formation of artistic thinking and design which plays an important role in architecture and landscape design. The book strongly emphasizes on perception of the process and thought in such research method.

So many similar books have been published on architecture and art. However, there was a significant vacuity in landscape design. The book may be useful in education and research.

The book consists of five chapters:

- The first chapter is devoted to Renaissance landscaping in Italy.

- The second chapter focuses on landscaping of the Baroque era and in particular the French gardening.

- The third chapter is devoted to influence of the intellectual and philosophical proceedings of Romantic age on landscaping and in particular the English gardening.

- The chapter four examines impact of modern and postmodern philosophy and thought on landscaping.

- The Chapter 5 deals with comparative study of context in the formation of deconstruction and folding.

> via memarnews