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Finalists for the "Premis FAD 2018" are announced

Spain Architecture News - May 09, 2018 - 11:43   16893 views

Finalists for the

The list of finalist projects for the “Premis FAD” of architecture & interior design, FAD international & FAD thought & criticism have just been announced. The judging panel, divided into 3 categories, had a difficult and thought provoking task of choosing worthy finalists from an impressive total of 484 submitted works. 

Finalists for the

Judging the panels for the architecture award. Image © Premis FAD

For the architectural award alone, the judging panel, headed by Anna Bach, had the difficult task of choosing between 148 entries, which the have whittled down to a final shortlist of 10 projects. The same panel, completed by architects Ricardo Carvalho, Pau de Solà Morales, Cristina Dominguez, Carmen Moreno & Susana Pavón, also deliberated over the 143 entries for the interior design award, narrowing the impressive field down to a final list of 7 finalist projects.

Finalists for the

One of the finalists for the architecture award, "14 houses in fomentera". Image © José Hevia

The other categories included 29 entries for the “city & landscape” category, 74 entries for the “ephemeral interventions” category, 56 for the “thought & criticism” prize and 36 entries competing for the “FAD international” award. The final award ceremony will be held on the 7th June 2018 at the design bu in Barcelona.

Finalists for the

One of the finalists for the FAD architecture award, "house in Arrábida". Image © Fernando Guerra

The FAD awards are now in their 60th year, originally having started in 1958, in an attempt to begin to recognize the contemporary, modernist architecture being produced in spain in the post-war years. Gradually, these awards have grown and overcome many difficulties to become the longest running awards in Europe, and one of the most prestigious.

The 10 finalists for this years FAD architecture award includes a rich variation of stylish new build projects and sensitive restoration works, many of which have already won many notable awards this year. During the past few months, the judges have travelled across the Iberian peninsula to view possible shortlist candidates. One of the unique characteristics of the FAD awards is that the jury visit all entries that have a potential of winning, and not just the final shortlist. 

Finalists for the

Restoration of Casa vicens, Barcelona. Image © Pol Viladoms

Some of the standout entries for this years award include the restoration of Casa vicens in Barcelona, in which the judges commended a sensitive and complete restoration of Gaudís first work. The building was recently opened as a museum, adding another fantastic tourist destination away from the crowded city centre.

Finalists for the

Conversion of a house into an office space in Granada, by Tomás García Píriz & Javier Castellano Pulido. Image © Fernando Alda

One of the standout projects in the shortlist for the interior award is the project for the conversion of a house into an office space in Granada, by Tomás García Píriz & Javier Castellano Pulido. The project resolves the spatial necessities of the company, called “Babydog”, by means of adapting the structural system of an existing house, which took the creative form of brick arches supported by metal profiles, a solution in which the structure forms the aesthetic for the new space.

Finalists for the

Lagoon of Monte do Gozo, in A Coruña by Oscar López Alba. Image © Héctor Santos Diez

Four projects make up the final shortlist for the “city & landscape award”, with perhaps the most intriguing on the list being the Pools in the lagoon of Monte do Gozo, in A Coruña by Oscar López Alba. The project consists of hexagonal pools which appear to float above the lagoon, imposing a strong geometry over the soft landscape while creating new spaces within which to experience the water.

Finalists for the

Judging the panels for the "thought and criticism" award. Image © Premis FAD

While the FAD awards have been running for non-stop since 1958, this is only the 13th edition of the “thought & criticism” Fad awards, which celebrates the best texts dedicated to architecture published since 2017. The small but talented international jury comprised of Carmen Rodríguez, Guillermo Carabí y Tomoko Sakamoto, had the difficult chance of selecting 5 finalists from the 56 works submitted this year.

The prize ceremony for the AFD awards 2018 will be held on the 7th June during Barcelona design week, one of the numerous design and architecture festivals that take place in the Catalan capital during the year. The shortlisted works will be exhibited from the 6th June to the 14th October in hall A of the Design hub, Barcelona.

More information about the award, the full shortlist of finalist and info about the prize ceremony can all be found on the website. The site also includes lists and links to previous years winning projects. 

Top image: "CODI PETRI", one of the standout finalists for the "emphemeral Fad awards". Image © Jordi S. Carrera

> via Premis Fad website