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Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

Indonesia Architecture News - Jul 09, 2020 - 13:03   10464 views

Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

Tarumanagara University in Jakarta has presented the best 26 final projects from its 29th Final Project of the Architectural Design Studio (STUPA) in 2020 in a virtual exhibition. 

Titled Public Expose 8.29 - Young Blood Tarumanagara, the event is the first virtual final project exhibition by students of the Architecture Study Program, Department of Architecture and Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Tarumanagara University (UNTAR), Jakarta, Indonesia

The University decided to move the selected student projects into an online exhibition due to the coronavirus pandemic. The website includes detailed presentations and visuals of student projects, with curator Ir. Agustinus Sutanto's statement.

Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

Public Expose is an event that is held every six months and run by the university and students in order to publish the top projects of the last semester students. 

The 8th Architectural Design Studio is the final studio in Architecture Undergraduate Program at Universitas Tarumanagara. The Architectural Design Studio is a one semester Studio-based-learning and it is the main core of the architecture program. The focus of this program is on the process and the way of thinking to solve architectural problems in real-life communities. 

Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

By the end of the studio program with "Open Architecture for the Third Place" as the current main theme, 26 best projects are selected and will be exhibited at Public Expose 8.29 — Young Blood Tarumanagara. 

This exhibition will feature a variety of interesting projects with different characters, approaches and narratives, in order to share knowledge through progressive architectural works.

Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

Open Architecture for the Third Place

The main theme proposed in this design studio is "Open Architecture for the Third Places". It all starts from the loss of third place in the middle of our communities and its role as a place to gather and interact. Generally, the first place is a house or place to live, the second place is where we work, and the third place is a social environment located in between the two others. 

This theory was first told by an urban sociologist, Ray Oldenburg in his book 'The Great Good Places' (1989-1991). Third Place is a neutral area that does not look over social classes, open to all people, and responds to the challenges of urban society in their social life.

Works were selected by curator Ir. Agustinus Sutanto, M.Arch., M.Sc., PhD. and Final Project lecturers Maria Veronica Gandha, ST, M.Arch., Ir. Franky Liauw, MT, and Suwardana Winata, ST, M.Arch.

The projects offered architectural ideas and problem solving from issues or problems from each region as well as from major issues raised to make the third place the answer to public facilities within the village needed by the community.

Scroll down to see the selected student projects below:

Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

Tarumanagara University presents best 26 final projects in Public Expose 8.29 virtual exhibition

All images courtesy of Tarumanagara University

> via Public Expose 8.29 — Young Blood Tarumanagara