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Call for submissions to Urban Design Ideas Competition: Sudbury 2050

Canada Architecture News - Mar 17, 2020 - 16:10   3562 views

Call for submissions to Urban Design Ideas Competition: Sudbury 2050

A progressive competition that is being led by the McEwen School of Architecture (MSoA) in collaboration with the community. It is a competition, that offers the opportunity for entrants to think creatively about a city’s complete urban core. 

The goal of this Urban Design Ideas Competition is to explore a wide range of options and opportunities for the evolution of the city’s urban core and to ultimately set out urban design principles, that will guide its future development.

The competition

Entrants are asked to present their ideas for high-level design solutions for the urban core, reflecting the major building projects being proposed. Possible programs include a new library/art gallery/conference centre/performance centre, new housing typologies for a range of incomes, reimagining the space occupied by the railway lines, and a new arena/event centre – all in the urban core. 

Entrants are expected to address the placement and urban design issues related to one or more of these programs as part of their integrated “2020 Vision.”

Read more about the competition here


The jury will select the winner in each category and award up to $63,000 in prizes. The jury will be comprised of architects, academics, and community representatives.

The competition submissions and awards will be based on two categories. Entries are to be made according to one of the two categories. Entrants cannot submit in more than one category. There is no restriction as to who may submit to which category. It is the choice of the entrant, as to which category they wish to enter.

Open: Any entrants (individuals, teams, firms/studios)

Students: Entrants registered in a full-time program of studies at a higher education institution.


The jury will select the winner in each category and award up to $63,000 in prizes.

Open: $50,000 CAD / any entrants.

Student: $10,000 CAD / Entrants registered in a full-time program of studies at a higher education institution.

People's choice: $3,000 CAD / Awarded after the submissions are exhibited and the public has had the opportunity to view them and cast votes.

Up to three honourable mentions will also be selected in each of the Open and Student categories.

All submissions will be exhibited publicly in the City of Greater Sudbury and online. The top entrants in the first and second category and the people’s choice entrant will be invited to Sudbury to present their solutions to the community, in a workshop environment.


Registration opens on February 27, 2020
Submissions close on May 15, 2020

Read the full details about competition here

Top image courtesy of Sudbury 2050

> via Sudbury 2050