Submitted by Javad Eiraji
Book: Sustainability in Architecture by Dr. Javad Eiraji
Iran Architecture News - Sep 10, 2019 - 22:23 9666 views
The book entitled “Sustainability in Architecture” is out now.
Authors: Dr. Javad Eiraji, Maryam Asadpour, Behrouz Tavakkoli
Publisher: Ofoghe-e-Zibaee Tehran
Pages: 120
Paying attention to sustainability and energy management in architecture is one of the most important factors that nowadays architects and designers try to control in their design processes.
What the sustainability is, the history of sustainability and related definitions of sustainability in architecture and designs are some important parts of this book.
In the first and second chapters of this book the general definitions of sustainability are discussed and in the third chapter the energy and its management factors are mentioned. In the last chapter the sustainability in architecture and solutions are suggested.
Top image © Javad Eiraji