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2014 AA Summer DLab:WHITE - Registration ends Monday, July 14

United Kingdom Architecture News - Jul 11, 2014 - 12:58   2338 views

014 AA Summer DLab:WHITE - Registration ends Monday, July 14" src="" >

London / Hooke Park - Summer DLAB

WHITE Monday 21 July – Friday 8 August 2014

Summer DLAB experiments with the integration of algorithmic / generative design methodologies and large scale digital fabrication tools. Continuing its color based agenda, Summer DLAB immerses in ‘white’ for its 2014 cycle, as a starting point to investigate natural formation processes and interpret them as innovative architectonic spaces. ‘White’ becomes the means of looking into extreme natural conditions which it is associated with. Concepts of emergence, differentiation, and complexity shape the theoretical framework of this investigation. Natural structures of differing scales are observed, which are then abstracted and interpreted into elaborated design proposals. The computational process of Summer DLAB is based on generative design algorithms, as can be seen in natural growth patterns such as the Lindenmayer system and fractal theory. These concepts are carefully interwoven with interaction and participatory design in order to create full-scale working prototypes.

One of the major objectives of Summer DLAB is to demonstrate the continuity of the workflow between computational software and digital assembly procedures leading to physical fabrication. In this respect, the programme is formulated as a two-phase process. During the initial phase participants benefit from the unique atmosphere and facilities of AA’s London home. The second phase shifts to AA Hooke Park campus and revolves around the fabrication and assembly of a full-scale architectural intervention which unifies the design goals of Summer DLAB.


Prominent Features of the workshop

Teaching team:Summer DLAB tutors are selected from recent graduates / current tutors at the AA. Participants engage in an active learning environment where the large tutor to student ratio (5:1) allows for personalized tutorials and debates.

Facilities: AA London houses cutting-edge facilities for the fabrication of physical outputs through digital fabrication techniques or other forms including the use of plastics, wood, and metal. Digital Prototyping Lab (DPL) offers laser cutting, CNC milling, and 3d printing facilities. The facilities at AA Hooke Park allow for the fabrication of one-to-one scale prototypes with a 3-axis CNC router and various woodworking power tools.

Computational skills:The toolset of Summer DLAB includes but is not limited to Rhinoceros, Processing, Arduino, and Grasshopper.

Theoretical understanding:The dissemination of fundamental design techniques and relevant critical thinking methodologies to the participants through theoretical sessions and seminars forms one of the major goals of Summer DLAB.

Professional awareness:Summer DLAB performs as a simulation of the professional environment due the priority given to team-based design approach. Participants ranging from 2nd year students to PhD candidates and full-time professionals experience a highly-focused collaborative educational model which promotes research-based design and making.

Fabrication:According to the specific agenda of each year, a one-to-one scale prototype is fabricated and assembled by design teams.

Lecture series:Taking advantage of its unique location, London, Summer DLAB creates a vibrant atmosphere with its intense lecture programme conveying the diverse expertise of professionals from some of the world’s leading practices in the areas of digital design and fabrication techniques.



Please note:at present all registered places on this programme are full.  Please email [email protected] if you would like to be added to a waiting list, and should a place bceome available we will notify you

Once you complete the application and make a full payment, you are registered to the programme. A CV or a portfolio is not required.

The deadline for applications is 14 July 2014.

All participants travelling from abroad are responsible for securing any visa required, and are advised to contact their home embassy early. After payment of fees, the AA School can provide a letter confirming participation in the workshop. 



The AA Visiting School requires a fee of £1900 per participant, which includes a £60 Visiting Membership fee.  A non-refundable deposit of £381 is required when registering with the online form - with the remaining balance due to be paid by the deadline of July 14th. 

Return train tickets between London-Hooke Park, accommodation & food in Hooke Park, and materials from Digital Prototyping Lab (DPL) are included in the fees.

The London phase of AA Summer DLAB will take place between 21 July - 02 August 2014. From 2 August onwards, we will be located in Hooke Park until 08 August 2014.

Participants need to make their own arrangements for the London-based part of the programme.



The workshop is open to current architecture and design students, PhD candidates and young professionals. Software Requirements: Adobe Creative Suite, Rhino (SR7 or later) 

Participants need to be proficient in English to take part - please contact [email protected] for further details

36 Bedford Square
London WC1B 3ES
United Kingdom

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