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Competition:Madrid Digital Arts Museum

United Kingdom Architecture News - Aug 09, 2014 - 14:29   3717 views

Competition:Madrid Digital Arts Museum

This is a single stage Ideas Competition with the aim of identifying the best proposal of a Museum devoted to the Digital Arts in the centre of Madrid, Spain.

This Competition is open to all students and professionals of areas related to Architecture. Multidisciplinary teams are encouraged. We invite you to create innovative solutions to tackle the challenges presented. The winning design will demonstrate a high degree of expression and creativity in fulfilling the program requirements, in accordance with the specific design guidelines here presented.

The aim of this competition is to create a museum devoted to the contemporary arts, in particular those that explore the more recent technologies as an integrated medium of work.

In a way that pushes architectural design and ideas forward, the issue is raised of how the characteristics of Digital Art might be transposed into space, in a way that enhances the better understanding of the exposed work.

It is also questioned the effect of technology on the function of the museum but also on the design of exhibitions, the public access to culture, how the Museum for the XXI Century Art will arise.

Competition:Madrid Digital Arts Museum

The site chosen to develop this exercise is placed in the central part of Madrid, in one of its more vibrant neighborhoods, Lavapiés.

On an urban point of view, this situation brings into question the inherent value of these urban voids, plots devoid of function but not of meaning or importance in the urban fabric.

The location in vicinity with a wide array of museums and cultural Equipments enforces the relevance of a cultural function to this site.


A wide range of knowledge in Architecture, Urbanism, Art and Curatorship was taken in account in order to present a group of people with authority in evaluating these subjects. The Jury is composed by an international group of architects, whose experience and professional path proves their profound knowledge and ability in Architectural Design.


A total fund of 5000€ in prize money will be awarded to winning entries and awards of merit. To all the awarded proposals, online promotion will be made through specialized websites and blogs.

Registration Timeline

Jul.15th – Launch of the Competition

Jul.15th – Jul.24th – Free Registration
Jul.25th – Aug.25th – First Stage Registration – 30€*
Aug.25th – Sept.24th – Second Stage Registration – 50€*
Sept.25th – Oct.5th – Final Stage Registration – 80€*

Oct.5th – Final Date For Project Submission
Oct.27th – Winners Announcement

Registration and payment is made through the competition website.
All dates have as limit 23:59 GMT.

Upon validation, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to the registered e-mail with the documentation pack – CAD plan, site photographs, maps, aerial images.

*VAT (23%) not included

For details visit Competition Website

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