Submitted by Berrin Chatzi Chousein

By 2060, the American South Could Be Three Times as Urbanized

Turkey Architecture News - Jul 30, 2014 - 14:56   4151 views

By 2060, the American South Could Be Three Times as Urbanized

Sprawl in Atlanta, GA. (Flickr/thisisbossi)

Here comes Charlanta the Gargantua.

Southern city planners and conservationists, look alive: New predictions map the future spread of urban sprawl in Dixie, and it is immense. Basing their model on past growth patterns and locations of existing road networks, researchers at North Carolina State University projected the region’s expansion decades into the future. According to their forecast, the Southern urban footprint is expected to grow 101 percent to 192 percent.

Take a look at urban land cover in the South as of 2009:

By 2060, the American South Could Be Three Times as Urbanized

Here's what that'll look like by 2060:

By 2060, the American South Could Be Three Times as Urbanized

The South's explosive population growth over the past 60 years can only be expected to continue, the researchers report. And more likely than not, so will its typical development pattern of sprawling, automobile-dependent suburbs. Planners and city leaders should start acting now to managing infrastructure and natural resources in the area.....Continue Reading

> via City Lab