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Young Architects Competitions calls for projects for Observatory Houses in Italy

Italy Architecture News - May 15, 2017 - 17:32   14936 views

Young Architects Competitions calls for projects for Observatory Houses in Italy

Young Architects Competitions has announced a new competition for Observatory Houses - the competition is inviting creatives to design a hotel-observatory in the stunning area of the castle of Roccascalegna, in Central Italy.

The competition offers a total amount of 20.000 € in prize money for the awarded proposals and the jury of the competition is comprised of outstanding international personalities; Enrique Sobejano - co-director at Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos-, Simon Frommenwiler - co-founder of HHF Architects -, Nicodemos Tsolakis - Kyriakos Tsolakis Architects -, Felix Perasso - from Snohetta -, Rodrigo Duque Motta - co-founder of Duque Motta & AA - , Pippo Ciorra - Fondazione MAXXI - , Vittorio Vannini - Italian Government- , Francesco Cotellessa - Association of Architects in Chieti - , Giorgio Bianciardi - Italian Association of Astrophiles-, Domenico Giangiordano - Municipality of Roccascalegna.

Young Architects Competitions calls for projects for Observatory Houses in Italy

The nocturnal sky is eternal, sublime and inaccessible. When looking at it, the human being experiences the most ancient sensation and feels overwhelmed by an ancient and inviolable mystery. A mystery that not even the most modern and refined minds can understand, despite efforts and technological progress.

For these reasons, Italian Exhibition Group and the Italian government launched the Observatory Houses project aiming to find a new use for Roccascalegna taking advantage of the potential of an oneiric setting with remarkable skies. The project aims at creating in Italy the first and most suggestive observatory houses. They will be a sustainable and exclusive house model aimed to ensure the protection and improvement of such inestimable heritage.

How to build a complex of modern observatory houses in a picturesque medieval fortress? How to create the most refined national reference for the astronomical observation tourism through architecture?

Young Architects Competitions calls for projects for Observatory Houses in Italy

On the bases of these issues, designers will have to create a story composed by stars, silences and landscapes. This story will have to include architectural elements designed to create a place beyond compare. It will not be a place of mere observation or accommodation; it will be a place of spirituality and meditation. Observatory Houses wishes to promote an architectural intervention that aims at becoming a symbol destination for those who wish to move away from their everyday routine and live an archaic, almost mystic experience thanks to the most ancient and beautiful sight.  

Under everlasting skies, the new observatory houses in the ancient fortress will provide an unforgettable stay for those who wish to experience the feral excitement to fall asleep under the stars rocked by the slow movement of planets and fascinated by a sudden shooting star.


1st prize: 10.000 € / All the awarded proposals will be transmitted to architectural magazines and websites + international exhibitions

2nd prize: 4.000 € / All the awarded proposals will be transmitted to architectural magazines and websites + international exhibitions

3rd prize: 2.000 € / All the awarded proposals will be transmitted to architectural magazines and websites + international exhibitions

n. 4 Gold Mentions: 1.000 € / All the awarded proposals will be transmitted to architectural magazines and websites + international exhibitions

10 Honorable mentions: All the awarded proposals will be transmitted to architectural magazines and websites + international exhibitions

30 Finalist mentions: All the awarded proposals will be transmitted to architectural magazines and websites + international exhibitions

Calendar / Fees

Early bird registrations: 16 May-23 May, 2017 - 50 € / team*

Standard registration fee: 24 May-20 June, 2017 - 75 € / team*

Late registration fee: 21 June - 19 July, 2017 - 100 € / team*

Material submission deadline: 26 July, 2017 

Jury summoning: 31 July, 2017

Results announcement: 25 September, 2017

*+22% VAT. Fulfilling an "Early bird", "Standard" or "Late" registration does not affect submission deadline.

Competition brief, site photos, 3D models, drawings and rules about the competition can be downloaded from the Young Architects Competition's website. Register to the competition here.

All images courtesy of Young Architects Competitions

> via Young Architects Competitions