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International conference on:Conservation of Architectural Heritage

United Kingdom Architecture News - Jan 29, 2015 - 12:16   4176 views

International conference on:Conservation of Architectural Heritage

(CAH), 23 – 27 November 2015, Luxor – Aswan, Egypt

Call for Papers

International Conference on:Conservation of Architectural Heritage, (CAH); will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of all aspects of Conservation and Awareness of  Heritage Rehabilitation HYPERLINK ""; it HYPERLINK "" helps university researchers, professionals and policy makers to get together to discuss the most pressing issues concerning the conservation of archaeological, architectural and urban landscapes. More specifically, the main goal of the conference is to discuss multi-disciplinary research on complex Cultural Heritage sites, ranging from archaeological ruins to historical architecture and centers. 

The conference is organized by IEREK – International Experts for Research Enrichment and Knowledge Exchange – an international institution that is concerned with the exchange of knowledge and enhancing research through organizing and managing conferences in all fields of knowledge to raise the quality of all stakeholders in the education sector and strengthen its contribution to trainers, and learners' development.

The aim of the conference is to provide a platform to the researchers and practitioners from both academia as well as practice and industry to meet and share cutting-edge development in the field. 

Authors are solicited to contribute to the conference by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and practice experiences that describe significant advances in the following areas, but are not limited to:


Incorporate Management Techniques and Decision Making in Historic Planning, Management and Development of Historic Areas.

-Cultural and Religious Identities and their Manifestation of Heritage.

-Awareness of  Heritage Rehabilitation Projects.

-Innovative Adaptive Reuse and Rehabilitation of Historic Areas.

-Heritage Planning Policy, Design Guidelines, and Community Development.

-Integrating Sensitive Additions and Adaptations to the Fabric of Heritage Places Environment.

-Institutional Role and Modern Techniques in Conserving a Historic Environment

-Legislative Tools and Policies for Cultural Heritage Protection.

-Best Practices in an Assessment, Designating and Managing World Heritage.

-Economics of Conservation and Sustainable Environment.

-Promotion of Heritage and Cultural Tourism.

-Cultural Heritage and Media.

-New approaches and Concepts in Conservation of Cultural Heritage in Historic Cities

-Interior Design Solutions for Historic Buildings and Authenticity of the Place.

-Egyptian Monuments Conservation.

-Resettlement of Nubia and Rehabilitate their culture identity.


Conference Orientation

This conference aspires to bring together architects, conservators, History Researchers, Archeologists, Heritage observatory, to question new challenges and to become a forum of transaction of ideas on Sustainable design in developing countries.


Conference Publication 

This conference will be published online as a part of Procedia journal by ELSEVIER. We have the honor to invite you to contribute with us in this great event. 


Paper Submission 

Authors are invited to submit papers through E mail id: 

[email protected]

Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this conference.


Important Dates 

Abstract Submission Deadline:23 June 2015

Final acceptance Notification of Abstracts:23 July 2015

Full Paper Submission Deadline:9 October 2015

Conference Program will be available:20 October 2015

Conference Start:23 October 2015

Your gracious presence will enthuse and add value to the conference. If this call for paper is not of your area of interest; please forward to a researcher who is working in this area.

Kindly visit our website:

Email:[email protected]

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