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International Baku Architecture Award 2015

United Kingdom Architecture News - Jan 16, 2015 - 13:43   2936 views

International Baku Architecture Award 2015

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Union of Architects of Azerbaijan (UAA) announce the launch of the second edition of the International Baku Architecture Award. Organized every two years, the award seeks to recognize architectural diversity, to encourage new ideas, new realizations and exemplary, new implementations in the world. This award has received the support of the International Union of Architects (UIA).

The awards are divided into different categories of realizations including public buildings, housing, implemented interiors. Also included within the scope of the award are different categories of projects, such as buildings, landscape architecture, rehabilitation and reconstruction. The last award category recognizes architectural publications.

the jury

The jury is composed of Thomas Vonier (USA), UIA Secretary General, Ms. Catherine Jacquot, President of the National Council of the Order of French Architects, Elbay Gazimzada, President of the UAA, (Azerbaijan), Vassilis Sgoutas, former UIA President (Greece), Hayder Ali, UIA Vice President (Sudan), Michel Barmaki, former UIA Secretary General (Lebanon).

principal dates

Submission deadline or date when submissions must be postmarked:15 August 2015

Deadline for the reception of submissions by the organizers:1 September 2015

Jury Meeting:1-3 October 2015

eligibility and prizes

The prize is open to architects worldwide. Each participant may only submit one project per category. There is no registration fee. The total prize money to be distributed is 52,500 AZN (around 67,000 US $).

The projects should be addressed by post to the Union of Architects of Azerbaijan. The working languages of the competition are Azerbaijani, English and Russian.


information and contact

Union of Architects of Azerbaijan (UAA)

24 Murtuza Muxtarov Street
Bakou, AZ1001
Republic of Azerbaijan

Tel + (994) 12 595 49 88 +12 594 49 11 Fax + (994) 12 594 68 40

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