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Urban Solutions for the World in 2030

United Kingdom Architecture News - Jan 12, 2015 - 18:28   2185 views

Urban Solutions for the World in 2030

Istanbul: Tactics for Resilient Post-Urban Development (2014): KITO compound (courtesy Atelier d’Architecture Autogérée)

Around the world people are rapidly moving to cities in an incredible manifestation of consolidated growth. The Museum of Modern Art’s Uneven Growth: Tactical Urbanisms for Expanding Megacities is the culmination of a 14-month initiative to address developing problems — from affordable housing to the limits of available land — in six of those cities, by involving the communities most impacted.

According to the UN’s World Urbanization Prospects report, by 2030 the global population is expected to surpass eight billion. Uneven Growth emphasizes that around two-thirds of those people will be living in cities, with many in slums and unplanned neighborhoods. The exhibition, which opened in November, showcases proposals for New York City, Mumbai, Rio de Janeiro, Istanbul, Hong Kong, and Lagos. Each was created by a team of architects, planners, and designers in an attempt to examine how “tactical urbanism” — an aggressive term for DIY and grassroots city planning — could be encouraged......Continue Reading

> via Hyperallergic