Submitted by Berrin Chatzi Chousein

Nordic Office of Architecture designs Keflavik Airport as a gateway

Turkey Architecture News - Mar 06, 2015 - 14:09   8052 views

Nordic Office of Architecture designs Keflavik Airport as a gateway

Masterplan for future development of Keflavik Airport as the gateway to Iceland and an important hub between Europe and USA/Canada.

Nordic was unan­i­mously pro­claimed as win­ner of the com­pe­ti­tion for the de­sign of Ke­flavik Air­port.The air­port will go through a ma­jor ex­pan­sion, to a ca­pac­ity of 8 mil­lion pas­sen­gers per year.

Nordic Office of Architecture designs Keflavik Airport as a gateway

The pro­posal from Nordic is a very sim­ple, el­e­gant and flex­i­ble plan for both mas­ter level and ter­mi­nal de­sign. A key ad­van­tage of the pro­posal is that the de­vel­op­ment can oc­cur with­out dis­turb­ing the run­ning of the air­port.

Nordic Office of Architecture designs Keflavik Airport as a gateway

All Images © Nordic-Office of Architecture

Project Facts

Location:Reykjavik, Iceland


Responsible Architects:Gudmund Stokke, Hallgrimur Thor Sigurdsson

> via Nordic-Office of Architecture