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International Architecture Awards 2015
United Kingdom Architecture News - Nov 11, 2014 - 12:51 4460 views
International Diffusion
Absolute Global Architecture Event
The international Architecture Awards are the absolute Global Architecture Awards Event with 36 CATEGORIES and 25 ESTEEMED JUDGES across the Globe. It’s your chance to be distinguished around the Best in the profession.
All Categories are further divided into 'Built' and 'Concept'.
Commercial | Cultural | Sports & Recreation Residential – Private House | Housing (Upto 5 Floors) | Housing (More than 5 Floors) | Office Building | Institutional Building | Transportation | Hospitality | Mixed Use | Pop-Ups & temporary
Residential Interior | Public Building Interior | Commercial Interior | Corporate Interior
Landscape Design
Urban Design
15th Oct 2014:Registration Begins
15th Oct 2014:Submission Begins
14th Dec 2014:Last date of receiving queries
30th Dec 2014:Last date for answering all queries
31st Jan 2015:Registration Ends
15th Feb 2015:Submission Deadline
16th Feb 2015:Jury Meeting – Evaluation period begins.
15th Mar 2015:Winners Announcement
1. Professionals and Students are invited for ‘International Architecture Awards 2015’.
2. Entries are invited from all the nations.
3. The projects submitted are considered by the author that submits the entry for the Award. Every violation of copyright will be punished with immediate disqualification.
4. Signing up at and participating in the awards, you are accepting the ‘General Rules’ and the ‘Terms of Use’ of
5. The works reached out of time will be excluded.
6. It is absolutely prohibited the participation to the awards of a Jury member, a relative or a person or body connected professionally to the jury.
7. Participation in the competition implies full acceptance of these rules.
Selection Process
1. Jurors will only assess the ‘qualifying submissions’. A ‘qualifying submission’ should meet the following criteria :
(i) It should be free from any identifying information to ensure anonymity and impartial judging.
(ii) It should emerge from Entrants who are eligible.
(iii) It should be in strict adherence with all ‘competition guide lines’.
2. A submission shall be advanced to the judging round ONLY if the submission strictly follows all the imperatives of the’IAA 2015′ Rules.
3. Non-compliant submissions shall be disqualified.
4. The Promoters are under no obligation to notify the Entrant of a submission’s disqualification.
5. Jurors will base their judgement and selection on their own expertise, the work submitted by the Entrants.
6. Qualifying submissions shall be advanced to a panel of jurors convened for the awarding of the winners and honorable mentions.
Submission Requirements
1. Submissions may contain any or all of the following, i.e. text, diagrams, plans, sections, sketches, photographs, graphics, collage etc, in a combination without restrictions that can convey the visual summary of the design intent of the entrant comprehensively illustrating the :
(i) Response to challenges outlined in the Brief.
(ii) The emergence of unified and relevant image of Design
2. Submission must contain Design Brief (not more than 500 words) in .doc file.
3. Max. of 6, A3 size sheets (420mm X 297mm), in horizontal format and submitted as digital, coloured, high-resolution files, meant for printing in JPEG format needs to be upload at Architecture Podium Website prior to the submission deadline.
4. Each submission must contain the ’Registration ID’ provided by the AP at the time of registration, this ID must be written in bold Arial font, 5 mm in height on the top right corner of each submission entry.
5. Submission must be free from any kinds of identifying marks, such as and including firm logos, name of participant.
6. The submissions will ONLY bear the Registration ID, given to an entrant after their successful registration, as a means of identification and any other identifying mark will make the entrant liable for disqualification.
For more information please visit website
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