Submitted by Berrin Chatzi Chousein
This Microlibrary was made out of 2,000 recycled ice cream buckets in Indonesia
Indonesia Architecture News - Jul 09, 2016 - 13:27 12426 views
Rotterdam, Germany and Indonesia based-architecture firm SHAU completed a microlibrary- Taman Bima in the city of Bandung, Indonesia, which was made out of 2,000 recycled ice cream buckets. The microlibrary is a small reading facility for community use, which was created by participation of the local community.
Interior of the library offers wooden desks
The architectural concept is to free the ground for multiple functions, while the library is elevated at the second floor. Continuous stairs allow additional seating area. The facade material is made by upcycling used ice cream buckets. The pattern on the facade is a coding of a message by Mayor Ridwan Kamil, "buku adalah jendela dunia".
Microlibrary offers a flexible space for children to read, work, and relax
The microlibrary covers 160 square-meter in total. The facade of the building consists of open and closed buckets, creating different zones and patterns inside-outside, which also arranges lighting in different scales inside. The 2,000 recycled ice cream buckets provide insulation and scatter light on the first floor of the building.
Light is scattered inside through 2,000 recycled ice cream buckets used on the facade
SHAU design attractive buildings and cities which are socially and environmentally responsible. The individual offices collaborate on a project basis and combine their extensive working experiences in well-established and internationally-recognized architecture firms where they successfully worked on numerous projects on various scales. Eco House Bandung and Microlibrary-Taman Tegelega in Indonesia and Proto Tamansari Workshop are a few of the recent projects of SHAU.
Microlibrary at night-a shining library
Detail view of the buckets
Pattern of buckets are coded on the facade
Facade of the microlibrary
Transversal section
Plan of the library
Project Facts
Programme: Cultural, Educational
Size: 160 m²
Location: Bandung, Indonesia
Client: Dompet Dhuafa, City of Bandung
Status: Completed 2016
Team: SHAU Bandung/Jakarta, Florian Heinzelmann, Daliana Suryawinata, Yogi Ferdinand with Rizki Supratman, Roland Tejo Prayitno, Aditya Kusuma, Octavia Tunggal, Timmy Haryanto, Telesilla Bristogianni, Margaret Jo
All images © SHAU
> via SHAU