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New images of the Inglewood Stadium revealed

United States Architecture News - Feb 01, 2016 - 21:01   5567 views

New images of the Inglewood Stadium revealed

all images © HSK Architects

Prospective season ticket holders for the Los Angeles Rams have stumbled across a sleek new rendering of the team's future Inglewood home. The image, which is displayed on the Rams' season ticket deposit website, offers a new perspective of the currently unnamed venue.  Highlights include a detailed look at the stadium's swooping roof canopy, which was designed by HKS Architects.  Plans call for a 175-foot tall structure which will be composed of metal borders and ETFE, a clear, lightweight fabric which offers similar transparency to a car windshield.....Continue Reading

New images of the Inglewood Stadium revealed

areal view of the new Inglewood Stadium

New images of the Inglewood Stadium revealed

inner view of the the new Inglewood Stadium-an ellipse form dominates interior

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