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UIA Commited To Climate With The Global Alliance For Buildings And Construction

France Architecture News - Jan 22, 2016 - 13:25   4599 views

UIA Commited To Climate With The Global Alliance For Buildings And Construction

International conference at the Cité de l'architecture et du patrimoine. image courtesy of UIA.

An unprecedented coalition of industry and public groups staged the first global “Buildings Day” during COP21 in Paris on 3 December 2015. The UIA joined the “Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction,” along with various countries, cities, public and private organisations in the building sector. The Alliance will scale up implementation of ambitious plans to curb planetary warming and to achieve the “2°C or less” goals in the building and construction sector.

The president of UIA, architect Esa Mohamed of Malaysia, has signed the Alliance common statement. Members of the Alliance collectively committed to: helping to put the building and construction sector on the “below 2° C path”, aligning existing initiatives, partnerships, commitments and programmes to achieve greater scale and increase the pace of efficiency actions, catalysing stronger collaboration and targeting sectorial and cross-sectorial climate action and solutions for all. 

UIA's special page about COP21 Architecture, Building, Climate

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