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’’City as a Museum’’ re-thinks the expanded concept of “museum” designed by Moujiti

China Architecture News - Oct 01, 2015 - 15:02   7842 views

’’City as a Museum’’ re-thinks the expanded concept of “museum” designed by Moujiti

all images © Moujiti

Moujiti is a creative collective focusing on interactive experience design- and Moujiti's latest work ''City as a Museum'' is taking place at Beijing Design Week- Beijing Design Week has kicked off in September 23, 2015 and will be running until October 7, 2015 with many interesting designers and showcases. City As Museum is a visionary project that attempts to re-think the expanded concept of “museum”, contesting how the geo-physical context and the historical content together forming increasingly hybridised collective memory of the city. Vanished temples, city gates, and ruins of famous literati’s residencies, layered with oral history.

’’City as a Museum’’ re-thinks the expanded concept of “museum” designed by Moujiti


The city is not only the backdrop of events and stories, it has always been an active part of our reality. “City As Museum” connects story telling with cultural sites through location based technology (AR / VR etc) to pull the people back to the physical sites of the city to explore the “ city” itself is the “museum”.

’’City as a Museum’’ re-thinks the expanded concept of “museum” designed by Moujiti

’’City as a Museum’’ re-thinks the expanded concept of “museum” designed by Moujiti

’’City as a Museum’’ re-thinks the expanded concept of “museum” designed by Moujiti

’’City as a Museum’’ re-thinks the expanded concept of “museum” designed by Moujiti

’’City as a Museum’’ re-thinks the expanded concept of “museum” designed by Moujiti

’’City as a Museum’’ re-thinks the expanded concept of “museum” designed by Moujiti

’’City as a Museum’’ re-thinks the expanded concept of “museum” designed by Moujiti

Project Facts

Organizer: Moujit
Curator: Lulu Li, Fei Jun 
Designers: Mao Weng weng 
Date: 9.24-10.7
Address: No.313 North Fuchengmen Inner Street, Xicheng District

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