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Call for Work: AAE2016 Conference

United Kingdom Architecture News - Sep 23, 2015 - 15:21   4128 views

Call for Work: AAE2016 Conference

Hosted by The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL in collaboration with the association of architectural educators (aae), aae2016 is an International Peer Reviewed Conference on ‘Research-Based Education’ which will run from 7 to 9 April 2016.

At a pivotal time for architectural education, this conference will bring together global innovators in education, research and practice to interrogate the diverse natures and interrelationships between these realms as they relate to architecture, and to discuss how and why they may evolve over the coming century.

Confirmed keynote speakers up to now:

Lesley Lokko-Lesley Lokko is Associate Professor of Architecture at the University of Johannesburg and the author of nine best-selling novels 

Achim Menges-Professor Achim Menges, born 1975, is a registered architect and professor at the University of Stuttgart, where he is the founding director of the Institute for Computational Design since 2008. He also is Visiting Professor in Architecture at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design since 2009 

Etienne Wenger-Etienne Wenger-Trayner is a globally recognised thought leader in the field of social learning theory, communities of practice, and their application to organisations.

The conference will include sessions on the following themes and we would welcome diverse submissions that address aspects of one or more of them:







AAE2016 is seeking papers of 3,000 to 6,000 words addressing one or more of the themes. Please submit a one-page abstract of no more than 500 words, accompanied by one page of images if you wish. Selection will be via blind peer review. Those whose abstracts are selected will be required to submit a full paper for peer review and then revise and resubmit prior to the conference. Those that are accepted will be allocated a 20 minute presentation slot on 8 or 9 April at the conference, the abstract will be included in the conference proceedings and the paper will be included in a full e-book that The Bartlett will produce and make freely available online after the conference. The best papers will also be considered for inclusion in a special issue of the aae peer-reviewed journal Charette.

Workshops, Seminars & Other Events
AAE2016 is seeking proposals for workshops, seminars and other events addressing one or more of the conference themes and suitable for a group of around 20 people and duration of no more than 90 minutes. Please submit a one-page summary of the proposal, of no more than 500 words, accompanied by one page of images if you wish. The conference organising committee will select proposals. Those that are accepted will be allocated a slot on the afternoon of 7 April at the conference and a summary will be included in the proceedings and e-book.



15 September 2015 Keynote speakers announced

22 October 2015 Deadline for abstracts and workshop proposals

27 November 2015 Confirmation of accepted abstracts and workshop proposals

10 January 2016 Deadline for submission of full papers (from those with accepted abstracts)

12 February 2016 Notification of accepted papers & Peer review comments issued to paper authors

1 March 2016 Deadline for submission of final edits

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