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AIA Launches New Media Engagement Series and Argues for the ‘Who’

United States Architecture News - Sep 05, 2015 - 14:45   3435 views

AIA Launches New Media Engagement Series and Argues for the ‘Who’

Burnham Pavilion by UNStudio. Image © Christian Richters

Have you ever read a newspaper article about the opening of a new building or other local building attraction that doesn’t include the name of the architect? This series looks at how to identify articles that improperly omit architects’ name, ways to rectify these situations, and how to prevent similar offenses. If you come across an article that wrongfully excludes the name of an architect, send a link to [email protected].

Perhaps one of the biggest issues regarding architects in the media is the lack of acknowledgement or credit to the architect. For one of the most respected professions in the world, architects are too often left out of media coverage about the buildings they’ve designed. 

Here’s how the situation typically plays out: A member or component executive shares with me an article in a publication about a building or buildings in which the central focus of the piece is the design of the building but fails to mention the architects that created these structures. What may seem like a glaring omission and reporting failure to some is not always obvious to others. Readers with no background in architecture or journalism may not recognize that the article left out a key part of the story.......Continue Reading

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