Submitted by Berrin Chatzi Chousein
Calls for Application: Le Corbusier Foundation 2015 Research Grant
France Architecture News - Jul 29, 2015 - 18:28 5541 views
Grants for Young Researchers, year 2015 © FLC/ADAGP
In accordance with the provisions of Le Corbusier’s will, the Fondation used to encourage the works of researchers interested in Le Corbusier’s oeuvre. Until the year 2014, grants were available to young researchers who were invited to submit their projects to the jury. The Fondation has decided in 2015 to award grants to completed researches or nearly achieved works in progress which need a support to be published or disseminated, or transferred to another media.
Proposals should deal primarily with aspects of Le Corbusier's work that have not previously been researched in sufficient detail or, in the case of areas already studied, should put forward original approaches (multidisciplinary, comparative, transversal, etc.). All aspects of Le Corbusier's work and its reception may be envisaged: the built work, unrealized architectural or urban projects, the furniture, his work in the visual arts – painting, drawing, tapestry, exhibitions, etc. – or his written work, literary or theoretical. These include any research tending to further knowledge of Le Corbusier the man and understanding of his legacy to us.
This call for proposals is aimed at young researchers (maximum age: 40).
In justifying their intended use of the Foundation’s aid, candidates should specify how they see such aid as essential for the specific demands entailed in disseminating their research (by publication, translation, etc.) or to achieve it (e.g. travel, availability, purchase of materials, fees, etc.) under another medium or in a different relation to the public.
The file should include the following items:
– the research as a published or provisional document : if possible, one typed or printed copy and a digitized one;
– a curriculum vitae;
– a list of works already completed;
– two letters of recommendation from researchers, lecturers, art historians, architects or recognized figures.
Candidates must also inform the Foundation of any aid requested or obtained from other public or private organizations in connection with the application.
The maximum amount of the grant to be awarded is 10,000 €.
All applications in response to this call for proposals should reach the Foundation before 1st Septembre 2015. Results are due to be published by 1st October 2015
Contact: [email protected].
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