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Explore 41 Models of Japanese Architects at ’’Archi Depot Tokyo’’ exhibition
United Kingdom Architecture News - Jul 03, 2015 - 13:48 40684 views
all images © Archi Depot Foundation
July 10-19, 2015
The Triennale di Milano, Milan Italy
The architectonic models of 41 great Japanese designers are on display at the Triennale di Milano exhibition facilities between July 10-19, 2015. They express the deepest inner spirit of an architectonic culture that thrives on the connections between the avant-garde and the memories of the past. The Archi Depot Foundation (Organization for the conservation of the culture of architecture) was founded in 2015 by Terrada Warehouse and Tokyo Design Center companies, to safeguard and conserve the models and designs of Japanese architectonic culture. The primary objective of the foundation is to conserve and present to the general public architectonic models that still play an important role in the transmission of the architects’ vision and thoughts to the public at large.
From left to right; Shigeru Ban, Tetsuo Furuichi, Koh Kitayama, Arata Isozaki, Kengo Kuma, Riken Yamamoto; images courtesy of Archi Depot Foundation.
In the architecture studios, the hand-produced models represent invaluable instruments for processing the thought-trains, becoming the concrete and personalized testimony of the arrangement development process of each individual creative. The Archi Depot Foundation will create its own museum as a communal space, ideal for conserving and managing the architectonic models prepared by Japanese designers. The association also has the objective of organizing events and activities using the models to stimulate understanding in the relationship between architecture and the urban or natural environments, and highlight the importance and value of architecture for the local communities.
Akihisa Hirata
The exhibition organized by Archi Depot at the Triennale di Milano can be described as the first step in this direction. The exhibition design – supervised by Setsu & Shinobu ITO of Studio ITO Design – reflects the principles and the key features of the Archi Depot museum and archives that will open in Shinagawa in Tokyo, Japan in the near future.
Arata Isozaki
Using models created by a wide variety of Japanese architects – including Kengo Kuma, Tetsuo Furuichi, Shigeru Ban, Arata Isozaki, Koh Kitayama, Rike Yamamoto – with the core of the exhibition focusing on works by the younger generations, Archi Depot Tokyo Exhibition explores the visions of the architects and the enchanting qualities of their architecture, in order to transmit the important of the country’s past and its architectural heritage.
Atsushi Kitagawara
It is part of the initiatives organized for the Japan Day (July 11), the official day for representing Japan at the Expo Milano 2015, with State authorities of Japan present in Milan.
Eijiro Kosugi-Aya Utsum
Archi Depot Foundation is also arranging a press conference on Thursday July 9 at 6 p.m. – Saletta Lab – 1rst Floor and speakers as follows:
Luca Molinari – architecture curator and critic, Marco Imperadori – Politecnico di Milano Far East Rector's delegate, Donatella Bollani – Domus deputy editor, Coco Funabiki – Tokyo Design Center president, Haruo Iwasaki – Terrada Warehouse Managing Exhecutive Officer, Setsu Ito – Studio ITO Design partner, Tsukuba University visiting professor.
Eizo Shiina
Gallery talk free entrance
Saturday July 11 h. 7 p.m. – Impluvium hall 1rst Floor
Speakers: Riken Yamamoto – Architect, ARCHI DEPOT Foundation Board of Director Chairman, Shigeru Ban – Architect and ARCHI DEPOT Fondation Director
Hiroshi Naito
Architects included:
Hitoshi ABE, Shigeru BAN, Manabu CHIBA, Masaki ENDOH, Teppei FUJIWARA,Tetsuo FURUICHI, Masahiro HARADA + Mao HARADA, Akihisa HIRATA, Kotaro IDE, Kumiko INUI, Arata ISOZAKI, Setsu ITO+Shinobu ITO, Atsushi KITAGAWARA, Koh KITAYAMA, Kazuhiro KOJIMA + Kazuko AKAMATSU, Eijiro KOSUGI + Aya UTSUMIE, Kazumi KUDO + Hiroshi HORIBA, Kengo KUMA, Norisada MAEDA, Takenori MIURA, Hiroshi NAITO, Toshiharu NAKA, Ryuji NAKAMURA, Akio NAKASA, Manabu NAYA + Arata NAYA, Osamu NISHIDA + Erika NAKAGAWA, Satoshi OKADA, Kijo ROKKAKU, Mitsuhiko SATO, Eizo SHIINA, Ryoji SUZUKI, Mikio TAI, Ippei TAKAHASHI, Makoto TAKEI, Takaharu TEZUKA + Yui TEZUKA, Hiroyuki UNEMORI, Tomoyuki UTSUMI, Makoto Sei WATANABE, Makoto Shin WATANABE + Yoko KINOSHITA, Riken YAMAMOTO, Ken YOKOGAWA
Hiroyuki Unemori
Hitoshi Abe
Kazuhiro Kojima-Kazuko Akamatsu
Kazumi Kudo-Hiroshi Horiba
Ken Yokogawa
Kengo Kuma
Kijo Rokkaku
Kotaro Ide
Kumiko Inui
Makoto Sei Watanabe_chiara
Makoto Shin Watanabe-Yoko Kinoshita
Makoto Takei
Manabu Naya-Arata Naya
Masahiro Harada-Mao Harada
Masaki Endoh
Mikio Tai
Mitsuhiko Sato
Norisada Maeda
Osamu Nishida-Erika Nakagawa
Riken Yamamato
Ryuji Nakamura
Satoshi Okada
Takaharu Tezuka-Yui Tezuka
Takenori Miura
Teppei Fujiwara
Tomoyuki Utsumi
Setsu Ito-Shinobu Ito in Srilanka
Project Facts
The Archi Depot exhibtion has been organized by the Archi Depot Foundation.
Tokyo Design Center
Warehouse Terrada
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Consulate General of Japan in Milan
Japan Foundation
The Japan Institute of Architects
Politecnico di Milano
creative direction
Setsu & Shinobu ITO - studio ITO design
Hermann Miller
Media partner: Domus magazine
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