Engineer, founder of StudioDOSI in Ravenna, Italy. Works in the field of architecture, urban renovation and also industrial premises, all over Italy and abroad {mainly Serbia}. Is member of several committees {among them: for Quality in
Architecture and Landscape in public administrations, and for Joung Engineers in Engineers` Association}.
Professional skills are brought also through institutional bodies, in order to achieve results in term of quality and well-being applied also to public needs. Since 2002 is also professor at Bologna University, Faculty of Engineering: he is responsible for merging didactic with planning activities, all with some italian public administrations and for a long international experience in Bosnia.
The firm is formed with Claudia Cirolli, architect, and takes advantage of hi-profile specialized partners, engineers & architects, both as resident or outsourcing ones.
He wrote several books about professional and technical educational experiences, while some of his works have been published in Italian papers and reviews.
The firm also participates in international architectural competition in partnership with other architectural firms and engineers` company.
Since 2007 is member of CREA srl, an engineers` company working in the fields of industrial premises and safety planning.
Since 2008 is member and director of a serbian HSE engineers` company called ZIVOT HSE d.o.o. in Belgrade.




258 buildings

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Projects by Stefano Dosi

Jul 25, 2008 - 00:24 • 7242
Jul 25, 2008 - 00:15 • 9704 Winner
Jul 25, 2008 - 00:09 • 10089
Jul 17, 2008 - 01:03 • 7009