FREAKS freearchitects is an architectural design platform involving three architects (Guillaume AUBRY, Cyril GAUTHIER, Yves
PASQUET) favoring prospection, research, architectural and aesthetic experimentations through projects and building process practices. Although nowadays the projects we have built are located in France, throughout the past years, we have made up our own urban culture inspired by the cities we have visited or worked in, together or separately,
such as San Francisco, Tokyo, Beijing, Berlin, Mumbai, Singapore, Istanbul, etc.
Those experiences which sometimes occurred in chaotic urban areas have enabled us to set up a wide range of urban scenarios and be familiar with a confident architectural vocabulary that we try to set off as well as possible in the projects we are working on.
FREAKS freearchitects won the award
2010 NAJAP from french Ministry of Culture.


FREAKS freearchitects

Building Construction

2 buildings

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Projects by FREAKS freearchitects

Feb 09, 2011 - 20:13 • 5325 Winner
Apr 23, 2010 - 14:35 • 3043