Our office focus in a RESEARCH ON THE MATERIAL CONDITION OF OUR PROJECTS so that professionals can be empowered to “build” their own ideas through deep reflection. For a quite a long time now, materials and building techniques have reached a privileged status within the definition of architectural forms.
It seems this is a particularly permissive time, characterized by arbitrariness and irrelevance, which are inherent in empty formalism. It is expected that the concreteness and accuracy of the laws governing matter narrow down the range of possibilities of a project.
However, in the light of the fact that only under rules is there true freedom, the real interest in matter lies in its giving the arts a new sense of direction, which consists in always doing the same thing but never in the same way. This anthology attempts to learn from those experiences in which good construction assigns a solid standing to the building works, and in an exemplary way, to show that avant-garde art and common sense could be integral components of the same driving force.An architect’s work, through his expertise, should contribute towards a common issue, and through his favorite tool, the project, towards a synthesis of the issue.
The architectural synthesis is not in line with the diagnosis, it is not the formalization of a state of affairs, but the adjusted formulation of a possibility.



Building Construction

4 buildings

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Projects by Roberto Busnelli

Jan 27, 2010 - 21:47 • 5820 Winner