Rubén García Rubio (Zamora, 1980), is an architect from the Universidad de Valladolid (2006), Master in Architectural Restoration at the Univeridad de Valladolid and he also followed the Architettura/Storia/Progetto Master at the Univesitá degli Studi Roma Tre. He is preparing his PhD thesis at the University of Valladolid and Roma Tre called: “Aparent Density. The Lessons of Rome in Louis I. Kahn”.
He has been Visiting Professor at the ETSA Valladolid (2007/08), at the Facoltá d’Architettura Roma Tre (2009/09) and at the International Workshop “Contemporany Architecture/Historical Context” (Roma, 2009);; he has been Director of the summer course “Subtract Architecture” at the International University of Menendez Pelayo (Santander, 2008) and alsor at the I Congress “Architecture and Alzheimer” (Madrid, 2010); he regurarly gives lectures at schools and institutions like in Oporto, Roma, Madrid, Santander, Sevilla, León, Granada y Valladolid.
Now he is preparing a book, with another colleagues, about “Subtract Architecture”.



Building Construction

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Projects by ruben garcia rubio

Aug 26, 2010 - 19:18 • 5900 Winner

Favorited Projects (1)

Aug 26, 2010 - 19:18 • 5900 Winner