I am an architect driven by a passionate commitment to transforming spaces into narratives. After graduating from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University with a BA in Architecture, my journey led me to pursue an MA in Architecture at Università IUAV di Venezia. My thesis, titled Transforming Urban Narratives: Integrating Historical Traces with Housing Typologies and Revitalizing Perşembe Pazarı, explores innovative approaches to social housing within historical contexts to sustain cultural heritage.

Having cultivated a deep understanding of the symbiotic relationship between theory and practice, my international journey spans across Turkey and Italy. From immersive internships to active participation in architectural competitions, I have honed my skills and perspectives in diverse contexts and environments. Each city, each country, has become a vibrant canvas, shaping my architectural approach and fueling my fervor for this ever-evolving discipline.


Università Iuav di Venezia


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Projects by Damla Dirik