He was born in 1984. He completed his undergraduate education at Karadeniz Technical University, Department of Architecture in 2007. In the same year, he started her master's degree in Bilgi University Architectural Design program and completed it in 2009 she. He started his phd education at Kültür University in 2013. Between 2007-2019, he worked as a project manager and lectured at the Department of Interior Design at Istanbul Kultur University. He took part as an invited jury member at various universities. During this period, he received various awards, including 4 first prizes, in national and international competitions which he entered with his team. Kayseri Inner Castle Archeology Museum project, which was selected 1st in the national architecture competition opened in 2008, was completed and opened to visitors in 2019. Since 2016, he has been continuing his professional work in the do[x]architecture design office, which he is a founding partner.


Karadeniz Technical University


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Projects by Kadir Uyanık

Aug 10, 2023 - 12:13 • 2374