reMIX is a Beijing based studio born from the experience that the three founding part-ners, Chen Chen, Federico Ruberto and Nicola Saladino, have developed during years of academic research and through collaborations with various international firms, studying and inquiring diverse scales of interventions and procedural attitudes.
The studio expertise ranges from architecture to landscape and urban design. Moving on multiple grounds, analyzing, translating and transforming the interrelated peculiari-ties of performative logics, our work aims at establishing a transitional line of research that oscillates between processual complexities and material economies. The out-come is an expression of formal synergies, a modulation of analogical and digital pro-cesses, of diagrammatic and emergent organizations. Our structural geometries are gestural negotiations, converging results of constant conceptual revisions of forms and dogmas: mechanisms for debating, retracing and reframing.
We aim in sum for a critical integration, a non-linear incorporation, of architecture and landscape into a synthetic urban hybrid.


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Projects by reMIX studio

Mar 10, 2021 - 09:49 • 1459